Ifelt as if I was in a heavy fog, fighting for consciousness. My eyes were heavy, and my throat was dry. I took a deep breath and moaned as it hurt just to breathe. I had no idea what was going on.Why can’t I open my eyes?

I moaned again, but it sounded as if it came from a distance. I felt hands on me and heard a soft voice murmur.

“There there, dear. The pain meds seem to be wearing off, hmmm? Let’s get you shot up again. Nighty night.”

Suddenly, the heaviness left, and I floated away into unconsciousness once more.

Over the next few days, it was more of the same. I would come to consciousness briefly and in pain, only to be relieved and unconscious yet again. Then, one day I finally woke up, and there was no pain. My eyes fluttered briefly as I tried to swallow. Out of nowhere, a straw appeared at my lips, and I took a sip. I sighed blissfully.

“That’s some good water, huh?” The same kind voice spoke, and I tried to smile. Slowly I stuck out my tongue and found that my lips felt like they had been shredded by a grater.

“It’s not as bad as it feels. Trust me. How are you feeling now? You’re not groaning when you wake up, so I know you’re not feeling much pain now. Here, let’s get you up a bit.”

I felt the bed slowly begin to raise as gentle hands held me steady. I tried to open my eyes once more, and this time was successful. I found myself looking at a white-capped nurse who was smiling at me as she adjusted the sheet around me.

“Welcome back, Miss Helen. You’ve caused quite a stir in our little town. You’re a heroine, you know.”


“Oh. I guess you wouldn’t know. Silly me. You’re in all the papers and all over the news about how you rescued Candace McLean and took a bullet for her and all.”

“Candace! Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. They’ve both been coming to look for you every day.”


“Her and her father.”

My heart rate began to increase at the mention of Brenton visiting me. It made a machine beside me beep a few times and the nurse had to shut it off.

“How long have I been here?”

“Today makes four days.”

“I’ve been asleep for four days?” I croaked.

“Yup. Well, induced so your body could heal.” She checked her watch. “It’s almost visiting hours. And if I know your two, they will be in the parking lot as we speak. I’m going to let the doctor know that you’re awake.”

I watched as she left and then sighed. The last thing I remembered was Amber shooting me. I tried to turn my head to look at the heavy bandage on one shoulder. I felt only a dull thud of pain as I did. I tried to shift myself into a more comfortable position. Just as I had gotten the pillow positioned where I wanted it, the door opened.

Candace came running in first, giving me a hug that almost took my breath away.

“Thank you,” she whispered into my ear, her voice packed with emotion.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” I told her.


Then, Brenton came in. His walk was apprehensive, but when he saw my eyes wide open, he breathed out a sigh of relief. He came closer, admiration filling his gaze to the brim.

“I don’t know how to thank you,” he told me from my bedside.

He found my hand and clutched it tight.

Candace, realizing we might need some alone time, told us she’d go find me some jell-o. When she left, Brenton sat on my bed beside me, never letting go of my hand. He kept opening his mouth and closing it, not sure what to say. I stayed quiet, still a little groggy.