“Yes,” I whimpered.

He pulled my panties down and rubbed himself over my swollen clit a few more times. I was soaked and not from the pool. My bra was still clasped but hung below my breasts, revealing everything to him. I groaned at his teasing, trying to grab hold of his cock to push it in myself. I needed him closer. My entire body was aching for it.

“Not so fast.” He grabbed my hand. He held it above my head, continuing to taunt me with his strokes.

“Maybe I want to make you cum again first,” he whispered into my ears, in breaths that clouded my head.

“I want you inside of me,” I begged. “Please, Brenton.”

This convinced him. Clutching my hand harder, he finally found me, pushing himself in slowly. I moaned as he filled me, my pussy stretching to fit. He was by far the biggest I had ever felt and it pushed me to the limit. He pulled out entirely and then pushed back in, still slow, savoring it.

“Fuck, you feel so good, baby,” he told me, beginning to push faster.

I let out a few satisfied yelps as he pumped harder and faster into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He let go of my hand and found my ass, squeezing after each thrust. The pool chair shook as we moved with one another, our bodies writhing in pleasure. He pushed in and out, eventually hitting my back walls and finding my g-spot, which sent me spiraling all over again. He sensed my body tense and my muscles tremble, and pumped into that spot harder.

“You gonna cum for me again, baby?”

Instead of answering, I just tangled my fingers into his hair and pulled. Each thrust sent me further. I found gratification quicker than the last time, screaming out as my body shook and I unleashed myself onto him. Just as I finished, Brenton growled loudly and his entire body tensed as he throbbed inside of me. I could feel his back muscles go taut and his cock harden as he reached elation.

He collapsed on top of me and I stroked his back while he caught his breath. Eventually he looked up at me and smiled.

“Tired?” he asked me.

I nodded. A combination of the alcohol and the workout we had just gotten tuckered me out. He stood up, grabbing my hand and leading me inside. We walked up the stairs and into the master bedroom. He laid beside me and brushed my curves in relaxing strokes. I felt my eyelids get heavier and heavier until they were closed entirely.