“I don’t think she really cared.”

“You told her?!” She asks, surprised.

I chuckle. “Kind of. I told her to stop talking because it was making it hard to imagine she was someone else.”

Thinking back on it now, it was probably a dick move but it worked. She went quiet and I was able to finish with the mental image that it was Kayleigh beneath me. When she left, she put her number in my phone and told me to call her sometime. Needless to say, I deleted it as soon as she walked out the door.

“So, is that what I am? Just sex?”

I have to keep myself from spilling word vomit. My mouth stays shut until I can figure out what to say without telling her too much. I smile when it comes to me. “No. You’re my best friend, and I mean that in the least platonic way possible.”

She opens the bottle of iced tea and brings it to her mouth. “Some would call that a girlfriend.”

“Is that what you want to be called?” Please say yes. For the love of God, please say yes.

Her head shakes immediately. “No. Like I told you. I don’t want to be the next girl you end up cheating on, and last night proves exactly what I meant by that.”

I mentally groan. “Touché.”

Knowing she isn’t running, I can’t hold back anymore. I close the gap between us and press my lips to hers. It catches her by surprise but she kisses back anyway. When we break away, she has a look on her face that scares me.

“Can we come to an agreement?”

“Uh oh.”

She giggles. “No. Just… if we hook up with anyone else, can we not kiss the person? It seems intimate.”

An involuntary smirk appears on my face. “I kiss you.”

“That’s different.” She waves me off. “Like you said, I’m your best friend.” Her tongue pokes out teasingly.

To be honest, I wouldn’t mind never kissing someone other than her for the rest of my life, but I sure as hell won’t be telling her that. Besides, the thought of her kissing someone else causes me to feel things I don’t particularly like. “Okay, no kissing other people. That’s fine.”

She grins proudly and turns so her head is lying in my lap. I can’t believe she didn’t leave, even after finding out about Hailey. This is definitely not how I thought this morning would go. I run my fingers through her hair, so glad I’m still able to do this.

“So, Bree is requesting a new roommate. She wants me to stay elsewhere until we get new rooms.”

Before I have time to think about it, words are pouring out of my mouth. “Well, if you want you can stay here. Mi casa es su casa.”

My heart starts to race at the thought of what I just said. Offering to l

ive together? Have I lost my mind? She won’t date me, let alone live with me. Why is it that when it comes to this girl, I lose all sense of logic?

She rolls her eyes but when she smiles afterwards, I know she isn’t mad. “Your casa is also like twenty other guys’ casa.”

“Tomato Potato.”

Her hand comes up and smacks her forehead. “It’s tomayto tomahto.”

I grin in the way I know she can’t resist. “I know, but I made you laugh.”

Using her flustered moment to my advantage, I lick my lips and kiss her softly. I hadn’t really intended on it becoming anything heated but I can’t help myself when she pulls me closer. Her fingers interlace in my hair and I grind myself against her.

“Please tell me you’re mine for the rest of the day.”

Sadly, she shakes her head. “I’m going to the movies with a friend.”

“What friend?”