THE HOURS CRAWL BY so slowly that I feel like this day is never going to end. I don’t want to seem too desperate by reaching out exactly at five. Finally, when it’s almost 5:30, I give in and send her a text. I type out a few messages then delete them, not finding anything good enough. In the end, I settle on being forward.

Me: I’d like to take you to dinner.

It only takes a couple minutes for my phone to vibrate. I pick it up faster than necessary.

Kayleigh: Sorry. Already ate.

Disappointment builds in the pit of my stomach but I’m not going to back down that easily.

Me: Ice cream then.

A part of me starts to wonder if she fell back into her eating disorder in the time we’ve been apart. The only person here who knows about it is me, and I haven’t been around to keep track of her eating. However, before I can think too far into it, a new message comes in.

Kayleigh: I want something in my mouth,

but it’s not food.

Me: I’m on my way.

The thought of getting my hands on her again has me out the door in seconds. It’s as if I’m an addict and she’s my drug of choice. My body literally yearns for her touch. Something about her makes my every nerve ending come alive and I can’t get enough. Nothing compares to it.

I’m thankful for the lack of police near campus, being as I probably break every traffic law on the way to her dorm. As soon as I pull up, I see her standing in the cold wearing only a T-shirt. She gets into my car and rubs her arms.

“Are you crazy?” I pull my sweatshirt off and hand it to her. “You’re going to get sick.”

She eyes it carefully but doesn’t grab it. “Well, now you’re going to get sick.”

“Better me than you. Take it.”

She rolls her eyes but I can tell she isn’t angry as she pulls the hoodie on. “Bossy.”

I wink at her and pull out of the spot. The whole ride back to my place, I keep glancing at her – loving the way she looks in my clothes. I never thought I would see her like this again, so I’m going to appreciate every second of it.

The drive is quiet but not uncomfortable. When we get to my place, I run inside to shield myself from the bitter cold. I leave the door open so she can follow me in. The second she steps in the house, Caleb’s eyes light up.

“Kayleigh!” He yells.

She giggles in a way that I wish only I could make her do. “Hey.”

“We’ve missed you around here.” I bet you have, dick.

As they talk about a few casual topics, I try to ignore the jealousy coursing through my veins. I gently grab her hand and play with it while I wait for her to finish her conversation. The whole time, I’m reminding myself that I get to touch her and he doesn’t. When they’re done, we go upstairs and into my room.

“You two seem close.” I murmur as I close the door and lock it. She gives me a look and while I try to play it off as a joke, I fail miserably.

“We’re just friends.” She breathes. I try to calm myself down as I sit on my dresser. She notices and comes to stand in between my legs. She rests her hands on my face, forcing me to look her in the eyes. “Seriously, we’re friends. That’s it.”

She’s gazing at me with such softness and sincerity that it makes my heart jump. How is it that in the very short time I’ve known her, she’s managed to have me this captivated? I don’t think I’ll ever be able to walk away from her, and that absolutely terrifies me.

“Tell me I’m not alone in this.” I whisper.

“Alone in what?”

“This.” I gesture between her and I. “Feeling like the stars shine a little brighter now that you’re in my life. Like fate, destiny, and divine intervention all aligned perfectly to put you and I together. Like I’m finally seeing clearly for the first time in my life.” Fuck, this may be too much for her but the answer is so important. “I need to know that this isn’t one sided. I know you need time, and I’m not rushing you. I just need to know that you feel the same way.”

Without any hesitation, she closes the distance between us and kisses me softly. A part of me starts to wonder if this is her way of avoiding answering me, but then she breaks the kiss to speak.

“You’re not alone. Not even a little, I promise.”