I demonstrate what to do. My lungs spasm, no longer being used to the smoke, but I manage not to cough. Kayleigh’s eyes stay focused on my mouth. Once I’m done, she carefully takes it and does the same. Brandon, having heard the conversation, is just coming back with a cold beer as she starts coughing violently. The two of us chuckle while Bran hands her the drink.

“Thank you.” She croaks.

The three of us share the one blunt until it’s gone. I make sure to point out that if she takes less in, it’ll be easier on her throat. Besides, she doesn’t need that much to get high with it being her first time and all. I even show her how to shotgun, trying my best not to get hard from how hot it is with her. When it’s gone, she looks confused.

“I don’t really feel any different.”

“Give it a minute, babe.”

Once I start to feel it, I can tell she is starting to as well. She snuggles herself closer into my side and smiles. It’s not her usual smile though. It’s the one that seems to be reserved just for me. I must admit, this is the best I’ve felt in a while.

“You okay?”

She nods lazily. “I’m great.”

A small laugh leaves my mouth and I press my lips against her forehead. Chelsea manages to snap a picture right at that moment and sends it to my phone. I look like a loved-up idiot. No wonder everyone can read me like an open book with her.

We hang around Craig’s for another hour before deciding to take an Uber home. We’re all high and it’s too far to walk. We’ll just take Dan’s car in the morning to pick up Brandon’s. When we get home, everyone is already asleep. Brandon goes into his bedroom as I bring Kayleigh to mine. She throws herself onto the bed and giggles.

“What’s got you so happy?” I shut my door and lock it.

“You. You’re cute.”

“Cute? I’m a man. Cute is a word you’d use to describe a puppy or a baby.”

She pouts adorably. “You don’t think I’m cute?”

I lean down and suck the puffed-out bottom lip into my mouth, biting it softly and causing her to moan. When I release it, I keep my face close to hers. “Not cute. Fucking gorgeous.”

She blushes and closes her eyes. They blink open every now and then, as if she’s fighting falling asleep. I watch her closely, letting myself take in every beautiful feature she has – the way her hair lays against the side of her face and how she doesn’t even need makeup to look good. She has that natural beauty but she doesn’t even realize it. I’m not sure when it happened. I don’t know if there was a defining moment where this was decided, but I realize now that she means everything to me.

Her hand reaches out and lands on my chest, right over my heart. I wonder if she can feel how fast it’s beating.

“It’s already yours.” I whisper. “No need to rip it out of me.”

THE NEXT MORNING, BRANDON and I wake up early to go get his car. I scribble out a quick note so Kayleigh knows where I am then head out. As soon as we get into the car, Brandon smirks.


He snickers and shakes his head. “Nothing. I just find it amusing.”

“Find what amusing?”

“You being whipped.”

A loud bark of laughter leaves my mou

th. “I am not whipped.”

“Yeah, okay.” He grins. “Really though, I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks.” I reply, feeling ridiculously content for only getting a few hours of sleep.

He keeps glancing from the road to me and back again. “So, what are you going to do?”

My eyebrows furrow. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, every time she mentions that you’re not together, you look like you want to throw up. So, what are you going to do about it?”