The potato peeler falls from my hand, hitting the floor with a loud clatter. I’m about to deny it when Kayleigh comes back into the room. She goes over to the kitchen table and grabs something off it.

“Sorry, forgot my phone.” Her eyes land on me and my ridiculous hat. “Aw. Don’t you look adorable.” She arches on her tippy toes and kisses me briefly before leaving the room again.

I can’t move. I’m stuck in a trance, staring at where she just stood. Falling in love. Falling in love. Falling in love. Heather’s words echo around my head and suddenly everything becomes crystal clear. I’m so fucked.

Chapter Twenty One

I desperately try to distract myself, but I can’t seem to get those three words out of my head. Everything in me wants to tell Heather she’s wrong, to tell her that’s not what this is. Yet, every time I open my mouth, the words just won’t come out. They’re stuck in my throat along with my heart, which is beating so loud I feel like Edgar Allen Poe. It pounds against my rib cage, threatening to break through and throw itself right at Kayleigh’s feet.

It was one thing when the guys would tease me about my obvious feelings towards her. However, it’s completely different when it comes from my mom. Her opinion and viewpoint on things have always been something I take seriously; this time is no different.

“I-is that what this is?” I whisper.

She glances at me from where she’s chopping the vegetables and smiles. “That’s what it looks like to me anyway. Only you know what you feel.”

What I feel. How do I feel? “Well, I feel like every millisecond I’m without her is like a decade of pure torture.”

“Is that why you invited her here, even though you two aren’t serious?”

“Partially. She was just going to stay home. Her mom and stepdad went away on vacation or something, and I just don’t understand it.”

“Don’t understand what?”

“How they could just leave her on a holiday. I mean, how is someone not taking every possible opportunity to spend their time with her? I just don’t get it.” I walk around the counter and sit on one of the bar stools, placing my elbows on the counter and my head in my hands.

Heather snickers quietly to herself. “Well, I’m glad you brought her. She’s lovely.”

“She’s incredible.” Ugh, I’m screwed. I’m absolutely screwed.

WHEN MY GRANDPARENTS START to arrive, Kayleigh and Jo come back downstairs. I introduce her to each of them. Like I knew she would, she fits in naturally. They all assume that she’s my girlfriend and I leave it to her to tell them otherwise. If it were up to me, they would be right. Eventually, she stops correcting anyone and just nods along, giving me the chance to pretend we’re in an actual relationship.

“Alright. Food’s ready.” My mom shouts from the dining room.

All of us stand from the couches we were sitting on and make our way towards the delicious smell that’s wafting through the house. Kayleigh stays by my side and I can sense her anxiety building by the expression on her face. My mom stops as she’s coming out to grab another dish.

“Oh, and Kayleigh? Holden told me you’re a really picky eater, so don’t feel like you have to eat anything you don’t want to.”

It wasn’t easy to think of that excuse but I knew I had to come up with something. The last thing I want is for her to be uncomfortable. She has been doing so well when it comes to upping her calorie intake and I’d hate for that to be ruined because I selfishly wanted her to come home with me.

As Heather walks away, Kayleigh’s eyes snap to mine – wide and full of wonder. I wink once again, always loving the effect it has on her. She grins back at me and shakes her head while we walk into the room and take our seats.

BRANDON, JO, KAYLEIGH, AND I are sitting in the living room. Once dinner was finished, the grandparents left and my parents tiredly retreated to their bedroom. Even Jo looks like she’s about to fall asleep, too stuffed from the large meal. I’m sitting on the couch with Kayleigh’s head in my lap. She hums happily as my fingers rake through her hair.

“Hey H.” Brandon looks up from his phone. “Did you still want to go to Craig’s?”

“Is he having something?”

He shrugs. “It’s not exactly something, just a few of the guys are there.”

I look down at Kayleigh, knowing that if she’s too tired to go then I’ll just stay hom

e with her. However, she nods, telling me she’s down for it. We all get up, with Josephine murmuring something about food comas and sleep, and go to get ready. Once we’re changed, we meet at the front door and climb into Brandon’s car.

Craig’s isn’t very far. The ride only takes about ten minutes. When we get there, we walk around to the back like we’ve always done. As soon as Brandon opens the door, Kayleigh’s eyes widen. The smell that infiltrates my nose tells me why.

“They smoke?” She asks, seeming surprised.

“I know they used to, I just didn’t know they still do. Do you want to leave?”