“Sure. I’ll bring you back to your dorm so you can change. Just let me take a shower first.”

Brianna grins happily and as I go to get up, she grabs my arm. I furrow my eyebrows at her and she pulls me close for a quick kiss. Okay, she may be thinking a little too far into this.

ONCE I’M SHOWERED AND dressed, we go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to grab a couple bottles of water and I’m unfortunately faced with Taylor. She narrows her eyes at me until she sees her friend come in behind me.

“Oh, Bree, you’re still here.”

She gives her a strange look but shrugs it off. “Yeah. Holden and I are going to get him a new mattress.”

“Too much traffic on your old one, H?” Taylor asks. Bitch.

“Hardly. I prefer sex against the wall.”

Caleb spews water halfway across the room, completely pulling the attention off me. I laugh at his reaction and grab what I came in here for. When I’m done, I turn to Brianna and hand her one of the bottles.

“Ready to go?” She nods.

“Let’s get going then.” I lead her out of the kitchen and shout back to Caleb. “See you around, Sutter.”

“You’re not going to say bye to Taylor?” Bree questions softly.

“I’d rather not.”

We walk over to my yellow Chevy Camaro. I unlock the doors and the two of us climb in. When I notice her admiring the interior, I smirk – knowing my car only makes me more alluring. Apparently, I look good in a sports car.

“Like it?” I ask, turning the key and hearing it roar to life.

She smiles. “Yeah, it’s nice.”

“Well buckle up, Buttercup.” I tell her before pulling out onto the road and flooring it.

As the car increases in speed, the momentum pushes us back into our seats. I glance over and see her eyes widen in both fear and arousal. Unfortunately, it’s short lived since the road isn’t all that long, but it was fun while it lasted. I play some music through the stereo to drown out the silence. I don’t do this often, so I don’t really know what to say to her, and she seems too shy to start a conversation.

After taking her back to the dorms, she goes inside to change while I wait in the car. It takes longer than I would prefer, but soon enough she gets back in the passenger seat. She’s wearing a white hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans. The outfit is much less revealing than the one she was wearing last night, but she still looks good. I check her out for a second and then back out of the parking spot.

The mattress store isn’t too far and we end up getting there in no time. We both get out of the car and walk inside. It’s empty, as they usually are, so the sales woman greets us immediately. I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes. I hate when people are up your ass as you find what you’re looking for.

“I take it you’re in need for a new mattress?” She sounds entirely too happy for her line of work.

I give her a look. “No. I’m looking for a motorcycle. You sell those here, right?”

Bree’s jaw drops as the woman laughs off my sarcastic comment. She goes on asking me questions about what kind of mattress I’d like – plush or firm, what size, etc. As I answer, she starts walking toward a certain mattress. I nod for Bree to follow and she does.

When we get to the one she’s recommending, I lay on it to test it out. It’s alright – definitely better than what I have now – but still not what I’m looking for. I sit up and look at the sale rep.

“Do you have anything a little softer?”

She smiles in a way that screams fake and annoyed. “Right this way.”

The next bed she shows me is much better. I lie down and roll slightly from side to side, making sure I’d have no issue sleeping on it. As I’m pondering if this is the one I want, I hear her address Bree.

“Shouldn’t you be testing it out, too?”

She hesitates a little. “Oh, n-no. This is his bed.”

“I’m sorry. I just assumed you two were together. You’d make a gorgeous couple.”

My closed eyes roll into the back of my head. This woman is giving the poor girl false hopes and now I’m the one that’s going to have to deal with it. I have half a mind to find another store to buy from, but I’m already here and I don’t want to be doing this all day.