“Holden. Come play me in a round of beer pong!” Caleb shouts from across the room.

I want to say no. Him and Kayleigh have been close lately and it’s driving me up a wall. He’s playing some kind of game, making her think they can be the best of friends. I don’t trust his intentions though. He’s always wanted her, and the fact that I have her irritates him to no end.

Turning to Kayleigh, I find she’s already staring back at me. I give her a look, mentally asking if she wants to. She shrugs. I guess we’re playing beer pong.

We get into the backyard and I find it’s Kayleigh and me versus Jason and Caleb. The irony of the last time we played this game isn’t lost on any of us.

“It’s like déjà vu, only the teammates have changed.” Jason basically reads my mind. “Should we use Kayleigh as a prize again?”

“No!” I growl, hearing Kayleigh say it as well. Caleb, on the other hand, says yes at the very same time. I glare at him harshly, a warning for him to back the fuck off. He does not want to make this a battle. I can assure you, he won’t win.

“This isn’t tug of war, and I’m not a rope. Let’s just play.” Kayleigh’s voice breaks our stare down.

She grabs the ball and tosses it directly into the other cup. I laugh softly and press my lips to the top of her head. She stills and I know it’s because we usually keep the affection behind closed doors. I couldn’t help myself, though. She’s too perfect.

By the time the game is done, with Kayleigh and I taking the win of course, we make our way over to the fire pit. I sit down and watch as she looks like she’s about to walk past me. I can’t allow that. I grab her by the hips and pull her down into my lap. She doesn’t fight it and lies between my legs before lolling her head on my chest. I’m glad she’s not resisting this. It feels too good not to have it.

The guys are talking about going home for vacation. Caleb is happily ranting about how much fun he’ll have or some shit. I don’t really pay too much attention as I work my fingers into Kayleigh’s shoulders. The soft moan that leaves her mouth makes my dick twitch. Thankfully, I’m the only one who hears it.

“What about you, Kayleigh? You excited to go home?”

Her whole body tenses up. “Oh, no. I’m just gonna stay here.” And okay, what?!

My actions come to a complete halt as the area goes silent. She shifts uncomfortably. Shit, her anxiety. This will have to wait until later. “Hey Jase, did you get what the chemistry assignment is for over break?”

The change of subject topic works and he starts going on about how ridiculous it is that our professor gave us anything to do at all. Kayleigh tilts her head back and smiles at me sweetly. I wink, loving the light blush that coats her cheeks.

A short while later, she drifts asleep in my arms. I don’t dare to move – too afraid to wake her and make this moment end. I’m looking down at her, watching the way her lips part enough for her to breathe and her chest rises and falls steadily. I haven’t even been paying attention to the conversation Caleb and Jason are having. I’m too wrapped up in everything this girl is.

“Careful, H.” Caleb remarks. “Anyone catches you looking at her like that, they may think you’ve gone soft.”

I look up and notice that Jason isn’t here anymore. “Maybe I have.”

His eyebrows raise and he smiles. “I never thought I’d see the day.” Once he takes a sip of his beer, he continues. “I’m sorry, man. I’ll back off. I didn’t know it was that serious between you two.”

My fingers run lightly through her hair. “It’s not serious.”


“Her and I. Don’t get me wrong, she’s incredible, but we’re not… she’s not my girlfriend.”

“Wait, you mean to tell me that you two aren’t dating?” He’s shocked. “She’s been basically living here for like two weeks.”

“I know.” I laugh. “But we’re just having fun.”

He hums, smirking at me knowingly. “Is that what you want or what she wants?”

I open and close my mouth, looking like a fish out of water. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t play dumb.” He rolls his eyes. “I’ve seen you with plenty of girls the past three years. None of them have had the kind of effect on you that she does.”

Fuck his observation skills, and fuck him for knowing me so well. All I can do is sigh. “I don’t know, man. She’s different. I can’t explain it.”

“Well, if the way she looks at you is anything to go by, she feels the same way.” I notice the way her breathing isn’t as steady, but she’s probably just having a bad dream. I keep my attention on Caleb. “So, why aren’t you two together?”

Because I’m so fucking gone for her but she thinks I’m a slut so instead, I just take what she gives me and don’t complain about it? No. Definitely can’t say that. “She knows what I’m like – the things that I’ve done to other girls, Bree included.” I try to explain. “I won’t put myself in the place to do that to her, not that she would even let me.”

His eyes widen. “She turned you down?!”