I’m not naïve. Ever since the ninth grade when I learned how to gain muscle mass and style my hair, getting girls has never been an issue. My little sister, Josephine, used to get mad because half her friends that came to sleep over, were only there to get closer to me. I can’t even begin to count the amount of fights that have been had because of it.

The problem with all these freshman is that they’re like everyone else. They all see me as a challenge. It’s no secret that I don’t do anything serious, and yet, each one of them seems to think they’ll be the exception. Yeah, I’ve had a few relationships. Bianca, for one, was someone I dated on an off for a few years. There was also Laci, a girl I dated throughout freshman year here. Though, if I’m being honest, that was only because she could get me into all the best parties. She’s a year older and I used that to my advantage.

Regardless, most of the girls here just don’t spark my interest. Whenever I sleep with someone, it almost always comes down to waking up the next morning and needing to break the news to them that it was only a one-time thing. Last year, I had a pretty good system going. I’d leave before they woke up and go for a run, while one of my friends would show them out the door. I wouldn’t come back until I got a text letting me know they were gone. Perhaps I’ll do the same this year.

THE PARTY IS MORE crowded than most, though the first one usually is. I sit on the kitchen island surrounded by Jason, Jesse, and Caleb. We’re discussing ideas for the upcoming rush week. I enjoy being on this side of things. Last year, I was only a sophomore so my opinion didn’t really matter much. I was just the pretty face that always ended up with a different girl in my bed. Now, however, I have much more say in these matters.

“What do you think H? Any good ideas?” Jesse asks.

I shrug slightly as I take a sip of my beer. “A few.”


“Like a 3,000-piece puzzle done in the dark basement, with nothing to help them see but a strobe light.”

The three of them laugh as Jesse pats my shoulder. “And this is why you’ll end up president next year.”

Caleb rolls his eyes. It’s always been between him and I for who will take the role, but the chances of me getting it over him are high. I guess he’s still a little bitter about it.

A short blonde haired girl slips herself under his arm. “Hey babe.”

I recognize her as his girlfriend from last year, Taylor. I can’t believe they stayed together. In my opinion, she’s nothing special. She’s rude and always thinks she’s better than everyone else around her. I’ve never understood what Caleb sees in her.

“Hey you.” He kisses her forehead and pulls her close. Jason and I share a look of disgust.

Another blonde hair girl stands shyly beside her, glancing at me every few seconds. When Taylor remembers she’s there, she smiles.

“Oh. This is my friend Bree. She’s a freshman this year.”

I look the new girl up and down. Out of all the newbies here, she’s definitely on the better-looking side of the spectrum. Her long blonde hair curls at the bottom. The amount of make up on her face is a little more than I’d prefer, but I guess I can deal with it. The crop top she’s wearing shows off her flat stomach, and her jeans hug her hips nicely. Yeah, she’ll do.

“I’m Holden.” I introduce myself as I jump down from the counter.

“Hi.” She croaks out, already affected by my looks.

Lightly placing my arm around her shoulders, I pull her with me. “How about we go get you a drink?”

She appears to stop breathing but manages to nod, coming with me to the keg. I pour the beer perfectly, having a lot of practice over the last few years, and hand her the cup. She thanks me and takes a sip.

“So, Bree. Is that short for something?”


“Brianna.” I repeat. “It’s cute. It suits you.”

She blushes but tries to hide it. “You think I’m cute?”

Placing my hand on her hip, I take a small step closer. “There are a lot of words I would use to describe you, but cute is not one of them.”

“Oh yeah?”


A pain in my ass wearing a tight-fitting skirt comes over to interrupt, and every part of me wants to punch Caleb in the face. Why did he have to choose such an annoying brat to be his girlfriend? She smiles sweetly at Bree before turning to me.

“Holden.” Her tone is firm. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Do I have much of a choice?”