“I didn’t get my heart broken.” I chuckle. “Let’s not make it out to be more than it is.”

“Then tell me, what is it exactly?”

I pout. “I was hoping you could explain it.”

He’s quiet for a moment before finally speaking. “I think you finally met your match, and you don’t know how to deal with it.”

“Really, Captain Obvious? That’s what you’ve got for me?” My frustration is evident but my tone holds no venom. “What the hell do I do about it?”

“I don’t think there’s much you can do right now. You just have to either try forgetting about her, or hope she comes around. For starters though, you could stop the arrogant word vomit whenever she’s around.”

“And Bree?”

“That parts all you, man.” He sounds unsure. “Do you like her?”

“I don’t not like her.”

He sighs. “Would you be staying with her because you want her or because she can get you close to Kayleigh?”

“Can I pick both?”


“Then I plead the fifth.”

A low groan comes from the back of his throat. “I can’t say I like this, H. Someone’s going to get hurt and I’d hate for it to be the innocent girl who got caught in the crossfire of your confused boyish heart.”


“I said what I said.”

I turn my head and scream into my pillow, before returning to the phone. “You’re right. I have to forget about Kayleigh.”

“So, you’re going to break up with Bree?”

“No.” I answer. “I’m going to be with her. A

real, legitimate relationship.”

He coughs. “That is not where I was going with this.”

“No, I know, but like you said – it’d suck to throw away a good thing. I can have one without the other.”

“If you say so. Just be careful.”

The two of us get off the phone and I stare up at the ceiling. The thought of never having Kayleigh, never hearing the sound of her sweet voice begging for me, makes me feel something I can’t describe. However, it doesn’t change the fact that she can’t stand me. I’m just going to have to move on and mark her down in my books as the one girl I wanted and couldn’t have.

Chapter Six

The next couple of days are spent avoiding Kayleigh at all costs. It’s rather easy to get Bree to come outside without needing to go up to get her. Thankfully, she doesn’t think anything of my refusal to hang out at her place. She understands that I have my own room and she doesn’t. I’d be lying if I said I don’t enjoy hanging out with her. We get along well and she doesn’t panic when I take a step back.

It’s Tuesday morning – earlier than I’d prefer to be awake if I’m not watching the sunrise – and I’m heading into my sociology class. I rub my eye with the back of my hand as I sleepily walk in the room. The thought briefly crosses my mind that I should have gone to bed earlier.

I scan over the room and stop as soon as I see honey brown eyes staring back at me. Kayleigh. As soon as we make eye contact, she turns her attention back down to her computer, but I’m stuck in a trance. Every part of my mind is screaming for me to move, but I can’t. All I can do is stand here and admire her beauty.

“Yo, Rivers!” A voice snaps me out of it. I look up into the back of the room and see Jordan, a guy I befriended last year at a party. “Come sit up here.” I nod, sparing one last glance at Kayleigh as I walk up the steps. “I didn’t see you in here last week.”

“That’s because I wasn’t here.”