He laughs. “Look, H. You just met this chick tonight. Maybe when you see her again, she won’t have this kind of effect on you.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” I push my hair out of my face. “What do I do about Bree in the meantime, though? She’s introducing me to people as her boyfriend.”

“Yikes. Does she even know you at all?”

I shrug, despite the fact that he can’t see me. “Apparently not.”

“Well, I wouldn’t make any decisions yet. No point in ruining a good thing for something you’re unsure of.”

“Bran, she said I’m her boyfriend.”

“And did you die?” The amount of sarcasm is overwhelming.

I roll my eyes and start to stand up. “Yeah, yeah. Alright. I’ve got to get back to the party. Thanks for the advice.”

“Anytime, H. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

IN THE MORNING, I drive Bree back to her dorm. We don’t talk about how drunk I got last night, and I certainly don’t mention that I closed my eyes during sex and pictured her friend underneath me. She kisses me goodbye and goes into the building. Just as I’m about to pull away, I notice a familiar brunette walking out the doors.

God, she’s even more beautiful with her hair down.

Before I can convince myself otherwise, I’m throwing my car back in park and opening the door. I jog towards her. As soon as I’m close enough, I call out her name.


She turns around, confused, until her eyes land on me. I don’t miss the look on her face when she realizes who I am.

“Hey.” She says, and that voice hits me right in the chest.

“What’s up?”

Her phone in her hand lights up and she glances down at it. “Just going to the coffee house.”

“Mind if I join you?”

“I do, actually.”

The answer that comes from her mouth has me taken back a bit. I should have expected it, but a part of me hoped she was just in a bad mood last night. “For real?”

“Yes, Hayden.” She crosses her arms.

“It’s Holden.” I correct.

“Whatever. Look, I know you’re used to always getting your way, but that’s not going to happen with me.”

My eyebrows furrow, and my mouth opens before I can think it through. “Do you know how many girls would kill to have my attention?”

No, you moron! Shut up! You’re only making it worse!

She chuckles humorlessly and runs her fingers through her hair. “Oh, trust me, I do. My roommate happens to be amongst them.” She pats her hand against the center of my chest. “Go get coffee with one of them.”

With that, she walks away – not even sparing a second to glance back at me. Meanwhile, I’m left standing alone, shell-shocked and spellbound. The feeling of where her hand just was burns my skin, making my whole body crave her touch again. What is this girl doing to me, and why doesn’t my brain seem to work whenever I’m around her?

I THROW MYSELF BACK onto my bed, listening to the sound of Brandon cracking up into the phone. When I explained what happened, he absolutely lost it. Now, it’s been five minutes and he’s yet to stop laughing long enough to get a single word out. A few more seconds later, he finally manages to calm down.

“Are you done finding humor in my misery?” I deadpan.

He sighs. “I mean, I always said karma was going to break your heart.”