This effectively shuts her up and the two of us go into the building. We take the elevator up to her floor and walk down the short hallway to her room. When we get to her door, she takes out her key.

“I think my roommate’s here, but I’ll only be a minute.” She puts her key into the lock and turns it.

I’m looking down at my phone as we step inside, reading a text that just came in.

Jason: We got four kegs.

Do you think that’s enough?

I roll my eyes as I respond.

Me: It’s a little late to ask that now,

don’t you think? It should be fine.

“Hey love.” Bree says to someone. “This is my boyfriend, Holden.” There’s that word again.

I click off my phone and look up. My breath gets sucked from my lungs the moment my eyes land on her.

Chapter Five

She’s gorgeous, in a ‘doesn’t even need to try’ kind of way. Her light brown hair is tied up into a ponytail. A pair of sweatpants hang low on her hips and the tank top shows off just enough of her perfect body. Her eyes are brown, but not a deep brown like Caleb’s – they’re more of a honey or caramel color.

While taking in her appearance, I realize I’ve completely forgotten to speak. The confused look on her face as she glances between Brianna and me, snaps me out of my distracted haze.

“Sorry. I’m Holden.” I introduce myself, mentally face palming because Bree literally just told her that. Thankfully, she takes pity on me.

“Kayleigh.” She replies. Her voice only makes her more alluring. It’s light and calm, a sound I could easily find myself getting lost in.

Get a fucking grip, H. My subconscious criticizes me. She’s just another freshman. They all throw themselves at you. If you want her, take her.

“I’m going to go change.” Bree remarks, kissing my cheek before retreating to the bathroom.

I look the girl, Kayleigh, up and down once more. She really is like nothing I’ve ever seen before, and I’ve been with my fair share girls. She seems a little uncomfortable under my stare but smiles sweetly anyway. I smirk in return as she goes back to writing in her book.

“So, what are you doing tonight?” I ask.

She looks back up at me and shrugs. “Nothing. Probably just staying in.”

Good, no plans. That probably means no boyfriend. ?

?Well, we’re having a party at my fraternity if you’re interested.”

I wait for the excited response, but one doesn’t come. Instead, she shakes her head. “Oh, no thank you.”

Wait. What!? In the last five years, a girl has never turned down an invitation to go somewhere with me. Especially not when her plans consist of staying in bed.

“No?!” The shocked tone comes out of my mouth before I can stop myself.

She raises one eyebrow. “What? Is that not a word you hear often?”

“Well, to be honest, no. It’s not.”

Her expression seems surprised at my bluntness, but then masks it with ease. “I guess there’s a first time for everything.”

Just as I’m about to respond, apologize for my indignant attitude and try to change her mind, Bree comes out of the bathroom wearing a pair of tight jeans and a crop top. The outfit is similar to the one she was wearing when I met her. I catch Kayleigh’s face out of the corner of my eye. She’s jealous. Maybe I can use this.

I walk up to my apparent girlfriend and she instantly molds her body against mine. Placing my hands on her ass, I bend down and press my lips to hers in a heated kiss. My every intention is to make her roommate jealous and in turn, make her want me. However, it was definitely the wrong move.