He snickers and nods. “Okay. I won’t say a word.”

“Somehow, I have a hard time believing that.”

I take my keys off the hook and head out the door. The drive to campus is quick, only a few minutes. I send a quick text to Bree, letting her know I’m outside. She answers, but doesn’t end up coming out until almost 5:40. She’s apologetic as soon as she gets in the car.

“I’m sorry. I was talking to my roommate.”

A part of me is slightly annoyed, but I brush it off. “Don’t worry about it. Was it a good talk, or a bad talk?”

“Good. She’s pretty cool, keeps to herself a lot though.”

I hum in acknowledgement and pull out of the space. The ride back to my place, our conversation flows nicely. She asks me about my classes and tells me about hers – the difference being she likes hers.

We get into my room after a quick talk with Caleb about Taylor. I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what he sees in that girl. She’s more annoying than Bianca, and that’s saying something.

“Holden, it’s freezing in here.” She shivers.

I chuckle softly. “Yeah, sorry. I like it cold. Do you want one of my hoodies?”


Looking through my closet, I find one that I don’t wear all that often. If there is one thing I know about females, it’s that when you give them your clothes, you don’t get them back. I pass it to her and she pulls it over her head, warming up immediately.

“So, what movie do you want to watch?”

She shrugs

. “It doesn’t matter to me. What do you have?”

I turn on the TV and go to my movie selection. She ends up choosing Gone Girl – a movie Laci downloaded on here a couple years ago. I’ve already seen it, but Bree seems into it enough. To be honest, it reminds me how psychotic some women can be.

At one point, she moves closer, tucking herself into my side. The movie is boring me, and with her little body this close… Well, who am I to resist the urge?

Putting my arm around her, I pull her even closer. When she looks up at me, I smile and bend down to kiss her lips. Her breath hitches slightly and it’s obvious that she wants me too. I slide my hand up and under the sweatshirt, making contact with her smooth skin.

Now, this is the kind of hanging out I could get used to.

THE FOLLOWING EVENING, I’M in a really good mood. My massage fixed the kink in my back and conversation with Bree isn’t the worst thing in the world. I’m sitting on my bed when I start to get hungry. I don’t feel like making anything, so I decide to go grab a bite to eat. As I stand up, an idea pops into my head.

Me: Going to grab some food. Want to come?

Her response is immediate, but I figured it would be, being as we’ve been texting most of the day.

Bree: Sure. I’ll be ready in 10.

I pocket my phone and head out to my car, thankfully not running into anyone on my way out. When I get to the dorms, she comes right out. We choose going to a diner near campus. It’s simple and gives me the ability to get breakfast food even though its dinner time.

When we’re finished eating, I pay the bill and take her back to her dorm. She thanks me with a quick kiss and heads inside. To be honest, I didn’t mind her company. Being around her doesn’t annoy me like it does with most girls.

Walking in the door of the frat house, I’m faced with Jason, Caleb, and Jesse all sitting on the couch. They eye me suspiciously. It’s intense and almost makes me squirm.

“What’s going on?”

Caleb smirks. “Oh, you know, just that you went on a date tonight with Brianna Lawson.”

“Okay one, it wasn’t a date. And two, what do you three do, spend all your time stalking me?”

“Did you pick her up?” Jason asks suddenly.