Thank you so much for reading Awakened in September!

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So, that was Holden’s version of things. I really enjoyed writing this. Making everything line up perfectly was a little big of a struggle, but I had fun adding in parts that weren’t in Sleepless November. I think doing that kept it fresh and less like a re-read. I hope you enjoyed it as well. I do plan on eventually writing Endless December and Seamless Forever in his view as well, but for now I’m focused on my upcoming standalone - Returning to Rockport. I can’t thank you enough or tell you how much it means to me when you continue to read my books, so thank you!

Want more from me?

Here’s the first chapter of

Returning to Rockport - Coming Soon.


If I had known what would transpire, I never would have gone back to Rockport – or perhaps I wouldn’t have left in the first place. From the moment I stepped foot back in my hometown, a part of me knew it was going to be an unforgettable summer. Everything reminded me of him. I could still smell the salt in the air that used to cling to his skin and mix with his cologne; could still picture the places we went together, hidden away from the inquisitive onlookers of the small town. It was pure ecstasy. Unfortunately, most good things don’t last forever, and the same was true for him and I. We ended in a fiery mess of hurtful words and teary eyes, and when I drove away from the house that final time, I never intended on going back – until I did. Only this time, I wasn’t alone.

Chapter One

From Romeo and Juliet to Pride and Prejudice, I’ve always been one for romance novels. There’s just something captivating by the way the characters feel so intensely for each other that they’re willing to risk everything for it. Even as a kid, fairytales were always my favorite. The idea of someone loving me more than life itself has never lacked a certain appeal. Unfortunately, what you don’t learn in the books is that happily ever after isn’t guaranteed, and nothing can prepare you for how you’ll feel if it doesn’t work out.

The pain of living without the one I thought would last forever is all too fresh in my mind, despite the four years that have passed since the day he walked out of my life. I can practically still feel the way my chest ached from the void he left behind. The words from our last encounter replayed in my head for weeks as I tortured myself with wondering if I could’ve done something differently. The conclusion was always the same – he was gone from my life and I needed to come to terms with that. Since then, I’ve learned how to let people in just enough to satisfy them, but not give them any ability to hurt me.


? Earth to McKenna.” Julia waves her hand in front of my face, pulling me back to reality.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“I said I can’t believe we’re moving out.”

My eyes glance down at the box I’ve been placing the last of my belongings into. It feels like the last four years have gone by so quickly, I’ve barely had enough time to enjoy them. Julia has been my roommate since freshman year. Needless to say, we have seen each other through some hard times and we’ve only become closer because of it. Now we’re leaving this place and I won’t have her close by anymore.

“Can’t we just stay? Convince the housing office that living here is essential to our mental health or something?”

A small giggle leaves her mouth. “I don’t think your fiancé would appreciate that.” She grabs my left hand and admires the ring on my finger before letting out a dramatic sigh. “I’m going to miss this beautiful rock.”

“You could always come with us.” The familiar British accent echoes into the room, causing both our heads to turn.

Parker is leaning against the doorway looking just as gorgeous as ever. His blonde hair is perfectly styled in a way that screams confidence. He’s dressed in jeans and a button down, making for a well-rounded mix of casual yet sophisticated. I can’t help but smile as I look at the man I’ve agreed to marry.

“You’re early.”

He crosses the empty space, placing his hand on the small of my back and pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I couldn’t stay away any longer. Are you ready to go, love?”

Not even remotely close. The thought enters my mind but I don’t dare to say it out loud. Instead, I look around the room at what was once perfectly decorated. Now, it’s bleak and bland, lacking any sign of the happy times that have been spent here.

“Almost. Finishing up this last box, but the rest are done.”

“These?” He gestures toward the stack at the end of my bed. Once I nod, he grabs one off the top and flashes us one of his dazzling smiles. “Okay. I’ll bring them down to the truck while you say goodbye to our dearest Jules.”

As soon as he leaves, I stick my bottom lip out at my roommate. “He’s right. You could come with us.”

She groans and throws herself onto my bed. “I wish. Are you sure he doesn’t have a brother?”