“I’m not so sure anymore. It’s been two weeks and she still won’t so much as talk to me on the phone.”

“Well, I can’t understand why. You seem perfect for her.”

“She’s the one who’s perfect for me.” I respond honestly. “But I brought her here. She’s allowed to hate me for that.”

She frowns but nods. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re a great young man.”

“I appreciate that, Bobbi. Please just make sure she’s well taken care of.”

“You have my word.”

THE NEXT MORNING, I load my suitcase into my car and head back inside to say goodbye. John gives me a very dad-like hug and promises to call me every day with updates on Kayleigh’s progress. I thank him and give Jessica a kind smile before heading towards the door.

“Holden wait!” She calls, coming into the foyer and immediately wrapping me in her arms. I hug her back hesitantly. “I never thanked you for saving my daughter’s life. I don’t know what would have happened if it weren’t for you, so really – thank you.”

I pull away and purse my lips, wondering if I should say what’s on my mind. I decide to go for it.

“Thank me by being the caring mother she deserves. This can be a blank slate for you both. I just hope you take advantage of that. She loves you, she just needs to be reminded why sometimes.”

The shocked look on her face makes me think I made a mistake, but John’s smirk tells me I didn’t. She nods and wipes a stray tear from her eye.

“You’re absolutely right.” With nothing left to say, I continue my walk to the front door when she stops me once more. “And Holden?” I turn around. “I really hope things end up working out between you two. Kayleigh is lucky to have you in her life.”

So, the ice queen has a heart after all.

THE FOUR-AND-A-half-hour drive home does nothing to get all my feelings under control. By the time that I pull into the driveway, I need to scrub the dried tears from my face. The whole ride was filled with mixed emotions – from depressed that she’s not in the seat next to me, to happy that she’s finally getting the help she needs. Unfortunately for me, my family can read me like an open book. The second I walk in the door, my mom’s eyes widen.

“What’s wrong?! Are you okay?!”

I shake my head. “I just don’t want to talk about it.”

Ignoring everyone else around me, I go upstairs and into my bedroom. I lock the door and let the pain rip through me once more. I’m not sure this heartache will ever subside.

A WEEK AFTER I get home is the first time my family sees me break down. I’m in the kitchen getting something to eat when my mom and Jo get home from their shopping trip. Thankfully, Brandon was in the living room and appears at my side in an instant. He’s the only one who knows what happened, but he also knows I need time to heal.

“Oh, Holden! How are you sweetie?” Heather greets me. She looks surprised to see me at all. I don’t blame her. I’ve been avoiding having to deal with anyone lately.

“I’m okay.” I lie.

“Honey, why won’t you tell me what’s wrong? You usually tell me everything.”

“I will, just not yet.”

She sighs. “Okay, well why don’t you invite Kayleigh to come spend a few days? I’m sure that would help brighten your mood, and it would be nice to see her again.”

At the mention of my ex, I feel my entire body tense. Brandon tries to intervene but it’s too late – the damage is done. My chest becomes tight and I feel like no matter how hard I try to breathe, I can’t. The whole room starts to spin and I fall onto the cold tile floor. I can faintly hear Brandon shouting at Jo to get a class of water but I can’t pay attention to anything. Kayleigh. I need Kayleigh.

From that day forward, no one dares to ask me what happened, and they avoid talking about her at all costs.

ANOTHER TEN DAYS PASS before Brandon breaks into my room. He literally picks the lock and walks in like he owns the place, pulling back the curtains to allow the light shine in. I wince at the brightness.

“What are you doing?”

He turns to me and grins. “Getting you up.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “What if I don’t want to get up?”

“Too bad. We’re going surfing. I’ve already waxed up your board and have your wetsuit waiting for you downstairs.”