She’s curled up on her side, holding a pillow in the place where my body usually lies. Her hair is splayed out behind her and her mouth is in the shape of a pout. I carefully walk over and place a light kiss on her forehead. It may be risky and she might wake up, but I can’t resist. This girl is absolutely everything to me. She can despise me all the way down to the core, but I’m never going to stop loving her – not for as long as I live.

SIX. THAT’S HOW MANY times I’ve tried to visit her. Every time, it gets denied and I have to deal with the pained look on the nurse’s face as she tells me Kayleigh doesn’t want to see me. Still, that doesn’t stop me from making my late-night visits when she’s fast asleep. By the third time I showed up, the nurse stopped accepting my bribes and allowed me to see her anyway. I don’t think she understands how much it means to me but judging by the way she smiles – she has somewhat of an idea.

I’m sitting on the couch when the house phone rings. John and Jessica aren’t home, so the only one to answer it is me. I walk over to the ringing device but I don’t recognize the number on the caller ID.

“Hello?” I answer hesitantly.

“Hey. Holden, right?” A female voice says back to me.

“Uh, yeah? Who’s this?”

The girl chuckles. “Emily. What are you doing right now?”

“Nothing. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman went to see Kayleigh, but she doesn’t want to see me so I stayed here.”

She sighs frustratedly. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be over in ten.”

Before I can argue, the line goes dead. I roll my eyes. No wonder they’re best friends, they’re exactly the same. I go upstairs and change into a pair of sweats. I run my fingers through my hair to get it somewhat under control then splash some water on my face

. By the time I’m done, the doorbell rings. I run down the stairs and open the front door. Emily smiles at me and I greet her politely.

“So, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

She rolls her eyes. “Let’s go sit by the pool and talk.”

I nod and follow her through the house. It’s clear she spends a lot of time here. I think I could blindfold her and she’d still be able to navigate through this place without an issue. Meanwhile, I keep mistaking a linen closet for the bathroom.

We each sit down on lounge chairs. The sun beats down on my skin but it does nothing to help my mood. I think Emily notices because she frowns.

“I’d like to apologize on behalf of my idiotic best friend.”

“Oh yeah? What for?”

She gives me a knowing look. “For putting you through absolute hell the past few months. For refusing to see you even though it’s exactly what she needs right now. For being a royal bitch when you don’t deserve it.”

“Okay, okay.” I cut her off. “I get it, but she’s allowed to be angry. Hell, I probably would be too in her position.”

“Still. That doesn’t make it right.”

The sound of Emily’s phone ringing pulls both our attention to the small table in between us. She reaches for it and her eyes widen.

“Speak of the devil.” She answers the phone and puts it on speaker. “Hey babes.”

“Hi.” Kayleigh’s voice comes through the speaker, and I mentally thank Emily for being the greatest human being on the face of the planet. Words can’t explain how much I’ve missed hearing that sweet sound.

“How are you?”

She sighs. “I’m okay, I guess. My parents just left so I figured I’d call you.”

“Well I’m glad you did. You know I’m always here for you. How’d the visit go?”

“Fine. Nothing different than usual. My mom cried and John was supportive.”

“Sounds about right.”

“Holden didn’t come with them this time.” I perk up at the sound of my name.

“No? How do you feel about that?” Emily winks at me.