“No. No, you didn’t. You did the right thing.”

“It doesn’t feel like I did. It feels like I ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

He sighs. “I know, but you were completely right in doing what you did. She needed help. Would you rather her be pissed off at you right now, or dead from a drug overdose?”

“Well obviously the first one, but did I have to bring her to rehab to get her to stop? Couldn’t I have confronted her when we got to her house and helped her quit?”

“So that she could have hid it from you like she did her eating habits? Come on, Holden. You know that wouldn’t have worked.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose between by thumb and index finger. “Yeah, you’re right. I just wish she didn’t hate me for it.”

“Me too. You have to admit, though, it’s better than the alternative.”

“Much. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to her.”

Brandon stays on the phone with me, keeping me distracted until Kayleigh’s parents leave the rehab center. As soon as I see them heading towards the car, I tell Bran I’ll text him and we hang up. A part of me hopes they’ll tell me she wants to see me now, but judging by the look on John’s face, that’s not going to happen.

“How is she?” I ask as soon as they get into the car.

John gives me a sad smile. “She’s struggling. Emily is going to see her tomorrow. Hopefully she can get through to her.”

Hearing she’s allowing Emily to visit but still doesn’t want to see me hurts, but if that’s what will help her get better then so be it. “I really hope she can.”

“Me too.”

Jessica begins to weep quietly in the passenger seat. She flinches when John reaches his hand over and rests it on her leg. Still, he knows how to be there for his wife.

“How did this happen?” She cries. “How was this going on right in front of my face for years and I had no idea?! Why did it have to get so bad before someone realized something was wrong? Am I that horrible of a mother?”

“This isn’t your fault.” I tell her half-honestly. “I mean sure, you could have been more attentive, but you didn’t do this.”

“Thank you, Holden, but I know I played a big part in this. All the times I nagged her over her figure, I may as well have starved her myself. Hell, she was using the money I gave her to buy drugs.”

“You didn’t know, just like I didn’t know how bad it was. I thought I could help her beat it but it was bigger than me – bigger than any of us. She’s exactly where she needs to be right now.”

She doesn’t answer, but she doesn’t need to. Seeing the way her tears subside is enough to tell me I got through to her. The rest of the drive home is quiet but I don’t miss the mouthed ‘thank you’ John gives me through the rear-view mirror.

THAT NIGHT, AS I lie in Kayleigh’s bed, I can’t help but wonder what she’s dreaming about right now – if she’s sleeping at all. I glance at the clock and notice it’s one in the morning. Lights out at Meadows Edge is ten. She must be asleep by now.

Suddenly, an idea pops into my head and I jump out of bed. Quietly, I slip out of the house and get in my car. After stopping at the ATM, I head towards my destination. The twenty-minute drive to the facility is more than worth it if what I have in mind works.

As soon as I pull up, my nerves skyrocket. I walk through the front doors and right up to the desk. The woman sitting behind it looks as if she needs three weeks of sleep.

“How may I help you?”

“I need to see Kayleigh Jacobs.”

Her eyes narrow. “I’m sorry sir. Visiting hours are scheduled and need to be approved by the patient, not to mention everyone is sleeping at the moment.”

I pull the money out of my pocket, five one hundred dollar bills. I slide them across the counter and into her view.

“I’m aware she’s asleep. I just need to see her. She’s my girlfriend and she won’t accept my visit, but I love her. I can’t function without seeing she’s okay.”

She looks at the money, then glances behind her. Finally, she sighs and nods her head. “Alright, but no one can know I did this. I could lose my job and if that happens, I’m coming after you.”

My smile is so bright it could light up the room. “I won’t tell a soul.”

The nurse comes around to the door and opens it, leading me down the long hallway to Kayleigh’s private room. Once we get there, she gestures for me to go inside as she stands watch. I step into the bland, open space. The second my eyes land on her, I stop breathing.