"Okay, I have something for the two of you." Skylar tells Bree and me.

She gets up and walks to the back room of the coffee shop before coming out with two medium sized boxes, handing one to each of us. I look slightly confused, but when I open it, it all becomes clear.

Inside is a wine glass with my name on it, a ring pop, and a small card. I pick up the card to see what it says.

I got my ring. Let's do this thing.Will you be my bridesmaid?

Bree and I both squeal simultaneously, placing the boxes to the side and jumping up to hug her.

"Yes, yes, yes! A million times, YES!" I tell her as Bree agrees.

Holden pouts from the couch. "I didn't get that kind of reaction when I asked you out."

All of us laugh as I turn to him. "Aww, are you jealous?"


I bend down, place my lips next to his ear, and speak low enough for only him to hear. "I don't have sex with her."

His breath hitches and he quickly nods. "Touché. Carry on."

THE RIDE TO THE club we decided on is only about fifteen minutes, but Holden is ready to cut Carson by the end of it. The way he keeps telling Bree what to do and say, as if he controls her – it’s ridiculous. Even I need to bite my tongue. If it wasn't her birthday, I'd tell him exactly where he can put his opinion.

"That guy is a fucking dick." Holden growls as soon as we're out of earshot.

I sigh. "I know, but Bree likes him so we have to be nice. At least for tonight anyway."

He groans before reluctantly agreeing. "Fine, but only because you asked me to."

Smiling, I stretch on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek. Being with him again is everything it used to be – comfort, safety, passion, romance. For the past few days, we haven't been able to keep our hands off each other. We've even gone as far as having sex multiple times a day. Neither of us can get enough, and it's magical.

The music pounds loudly around us while we move to the beat of the song. Holden stays firmly pressed to my backside, grinding against me like it's his soul purpose in life. Bree and Skylar dance together while Dawson is getting them drinks. Carson is nowhere to be found.

When we finally tire ourselves out, we go back to the VIP table that Holden managed to score from knowing the manager. Apparently, he's a massive Black Bears fan. We were skeptical at first, but it made Bree happy and she's who matters tonight.

As we sit around talking and slightly swaying to the music, a woman brings over a bottle with a sparkler sticking out of it. It’s definitely a fire hazard but it's mesmerizing to watch.

"Happy Birthday!" She tells Bree, causing my best friend’s face to light up.

"Happy Birthday, Bree!" We all shout in unison.

Carson comes back to the table and sits down beside her. "Look what I got you, baby. Aren't you happy?"

We all roll our eyes while Bree smiles and kisses him. As I look over at Holden, I can almost see the gears turning in his head. Just when I'm about to ask him what's wrong, he look at me both confused and full of amusement.

"Wait a damn minute! When's your birthday?!"

Shit. I'm about to change the subject when Bree answers.

"November 18th. Exactly one month after mine." I slap my palm against my forehead. "Wait, you didn't know?"

Holden shakes his head. "No. She didn't tell me. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't like my birthday."

He chuckles and presses a kiss to my forehead. "You sneaky little..."

I shrug. "I got away with it for a year."