He smiles. “Nope. It’s the concussion. I’ll shut up now.”

“Good idea.” I chuckle.

A FEW HOURS LATER, Dawson pulls up to Kappa and Holden climbs out of the backseat. My best friend eyes me curiously, and I tell Holden I’ll meet him inside. As soon as he’s out of earshot, I sigh.

“So, you’re staying here tonight I take it?” Dawson asks.

I nod. “He has a concussion from saving my li

fe. The least I could do is make sure he’s okay.”

He puts his hands up. “Hey, you don’t have to convince me why this is a good idea. I just hope you two end up working this out.”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

I shrug. “Being supportive, no matter what crazy choices I may make.”

“Always.” He answers, reaching over and giving me a hug. “I’ll text you tomorrow before I come pick you up for work.”

“Sounds good.”

After saying goodbye, I get out of the car and make my way into the house. As soon as I close the door, Jason starts slow clapping. Confusion washes over my face, and I look at Caleb.

“Please control your special friend. He’s lost his mind.”

Jason’s jaw drops while Caleb laughs. “Ignore him. He’s just bitter that Holden can’t play hockey for seven days.”

“Who can’t play hockey?” Holden asks, coming out of the kitchen with a beer in his hands.

“You!” I balk and grab the bottle from him. “Are you out of your mind? You have a concussion and you’re on pain killers. Go to bed.”

He pouts and makes grabby hands at me. “Will you come with me?”

Rolling my eyes, I smile and nod. “Let’s go, dummy.”

Jason and Caleb make whipping sounds as I grab Holden by the hand and pull him up the stairs. Just before we’re out of sight, I make sure to flip them off.

Once we get into Holden’s bedroom, I go over to his dresser and pull out two pairs of sweats and two T-shirt’s, one for him and one for me. As I help him change out of his clothes, he catches sight of himself in the mirror.

“They cut my hair!” He feigns outrage.

I laugh and shake my head. “No, they didn’t. It’s just matted down from the blood.”

“Well, that’s a disgusting thought.”

“You’ll live, you big baby.”

He smirks and grabs my hand. “That reminds me, you called me babe.”

“Your concussed and delusional.” I lie.

“Nope. You did, and I heard it.”

Taking a deep breath, I sit down next to him on the bed. “You saved my life today. I don’t know how to thank you for that.”

He shrugs. “You’re pretty clumsy. It probably won’t be the last time.”