“Yeah.” He replies sadly. “She lands in Maine in a couple of hours.”

My breath hitches and I instantly feel like I’m going to be sick. “Okay… Thanks for telling me.”

“Just give her some time. Hopefully she’ll come around.”

I don’t say anything else, instead letting my phone fall to the ground as my world comes crashing down around me. She left me. She didn’t want to be around me so much, that she left all her stuff here and flew back to Maine by herself. How am I ever going to be able to look at myself again? I lost the one person I would have given everything for.

“Holden?” My mom gets my attention. “What are you going to do?”

I lean against the wall and slide down it until I’m sitting on the floor. “What can I do? I’ve ruined this. She’s never going to trust me again.”

She sits on the bottom step next to me, and places her hand on my knee. “You don’t know that. I’ve known you a long time, and I’ve never seen you give up on something you really want.”

“I’ve never wanted anything as bad as I want her. It’s more than that. I need her, mom. She’s everything.”

“Then go do whatever you have to. Climb the highest mountain in Maine if that’s what it takes. If she’s that special to you, you’ll figure out a way.”

Without a second thought, I nod – getting up and giving my mom a quick hug before running back out the front door. I see the cab still sitting in front of my house and jump into the back seat, startling the driver.

“Sir, I’m done for the night.” He tells me.

I meet his eyes in the reflection of the mirror. “I’ll pay you three times your rate if you take me to the airport right now.”

“Very well, sir.” He answers, placing his phone down and putting the car in drive.

There are a billion things I’m willing to do, but losing Kayleigh is not one of them.

Chapter 24

My plane lands shortly after 10 PM. No matter how hard I try to turn off my brain, the idea of Holden with Bianca is burned into my mind. I’d give anything to be able to close my eyes and see something else, but I can’t. It’s absolute hell.

Turning my phone on, it instantly starts buzzing with notifications. By the time it stops, I’m left with thirteen text messages and four voicemails - all from Holden. I ignore them and open my message with Dawson, letting him know I’ve landed. Thankfully, him and Skylar got back earlier today and agreed to pick me up from the airport.

I walk down the jet way with nothing but my purse on my shoulder. It’s not that I forgot my stuff back at Holden’s – I just didn’t want to give him the opportunity to stop me. In all the time that we’ve known each other, I’ve never wanted to be as far from him as I do right now.

“Hey.” Skylar greets me sympathetically. “Are you okay?”

I walk directly into her arms, needing a hug more than anything. She doesn’t miss a beat and embraces me instantly.

“You know, when you said you were getting on a plane, I didn’t think you meant in a ball gown.” Dawson remarks.

Chuckling softly, I wipe a tear from my eye and look down at my attire. “Yeah, I need to get into sweats, pronto.”

He smiles and throws his arm around my shoulders, leading me out of the airport. Skylar’s just as close, with our arms linked together. I may be an emotional train wreck at the moment, but I feel safer than ever. I’m exactly where I need to be.

THE SOUND OF SOMEONE pounding on the door pulls me from my short-lived slumber. It’s bad enough that it’s seven in the morning, but being as I didn’t fall asleep until three – it’s completely unwelcome. Just as I sit up on the couch, Dawson tiredly exits the bedroom and walks toward the door. The moment he opens it, he looks back at me with his eyes wide and blocks the view.

“What are you doing here? It’s 7 AM.”

“I need to see Kayleigh.” Holden says in a panic. “She isn’t at her dorm. Is she here?”

Dawson sighs and looks down at the ground. “I don’t think it’s a good idea right now, man.?



Still blocking the doorway, he turns around and looks at me. I shake my head, knowing I can’t handle seeing him right now. I’m not even able to close my eyes without seeing him with Bianca. I can’t even imagine what it would do to me if he was right in front of my face.