“Where’d the girlfriend go? I was looking forward to getting to know her more.”

I roll my eyes. “She left, but you already knew that.”

“Guilty.” She replies, her tone as devious as ever. “She’s no good for you anyway.”

“And what the hell do you know about what’s good for me?”

She places her hand on my arm, squeezing lightly. “I know we’ve always made a good team.”

“Is that what you think?” I ask through a dry laugh. “News flash, B, all you ever were to me was a wet hole to fuck when I was bored.”

Bianca removes her hand from my arm, but keeps her composure. “Very funny, Holden. That’s all anyone ever means to you.”

“Not Kayleigh.” I spit angrily.

“Please. You can’t actually have feelings for her. She’s so… insignificant.”

Slamming my beer down on the bar, I stand and face my ex - towering over her. “The only thing insignificant in my life, is you.”

As I go to walk away, she grasps my hand to stop me. “Holden, come on. We’ve always meant something to each other. We spent three years together.”

“Together?” I scoff. “Did you ever notice that no matter how many times you said those three little words, that I never once said them back?” I can see my words breaking her, but I’m too enraged to stop. “I. Never. Loved. You.”

“What are you saying? That you love her?”

“Ding, ding!” I shout sarcastically. “I am completely and irrevocably in love with her. I’d marry that woman tomorrow if she’d take me.” The broken look on Kayleigh’s face flashes into my mind. “But you may have ruined that, just like you’ve ruined everything else in your life.”

Yanking my hand from hers, I take one last sip of my beer before patting Brandon on the shoulder. “I’ll see you at home. I have to go beg for forgiveness, and hope she can still look at me the same.”

He wishes me luck, and I walk away from my best friend and what’s left of my ex. No part of me cares about how broken she may be, though. The only thing I can focus on is what I’m going to say to Kayleigh.

THE CAB PULLS UP to my house, and I toss some cash into the front seat before getting out and running inside. My mom smiles when she sees me, but it fades as soon as she realizes something’s wrong.

“Holden? Is everything okay?”

“No, but I can’t talk right now. Where’s Kayleigh? Is she upstairs?”

She looks at me confused. “What? I thought she was with you.”

My stomach sinks. I run up the stairs and realize she’s not in my room. I come back down and return to my mother. “She left the party an hour ago. She didn’t come back here?”

Before she can answer, I take out my phone and dial Kayleigh’s number – but it immediately goes to voicemail. Running my fingers through my hair frustratedly, I try to think of where she could have gone.

“Honey, what happened?” My mom asks.

I can feel myself beginning to break as I realize the severity of the situation. “Bianca said some things to Kayleigh, and she left the party. She told me she was coming back here.”

My mom shakes her head and sighs. “I never liked that Bianca. She’s nothing but trouble.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.” I remark, scrolling through my phone to the one other person I can think to call. As soon as he answers, I speak. “Dawson, it’s Holden. Has Kayleigh called you?” He sighs into the other end of the phone, and before he says anything, I know she did. “Listen, I know I fucked up, but I need to know where she is. I need to make this right.”

“I don’t think you’ll be able to do that tonight.” He murmurs.

“Well, I may be able to try if you just tell me where she’s at. She was supposed to come back to my house, but she’s not here.”

“I know. She’s on a plane.”

“A plane?!” I balk. “She… she went to the airport?”