I shrug. “I’m not sure. I hope so.”

“Me too.” He replies. “I’ve been hearing about this girl since August of last year. I’d hate to see it end like this.”

As I take a sip of my beer, I think back on when I first laid eyes on Kayleigh Jacobs.

“I think my roommate’s here, but I’ll only be a minute.” Bree says as she sticks her key into the lock.

Her and I have been messing around for the past week. We never really made things official, but she refers to me as her boyfriend and I don’t have the heart to correct her. She’s a sweet girl, with one hell of a figure. I guess dating her wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Besides, having a girlfriend has never stopped me from doing whatever I want anyway.

She opens the door and steps inside. I follow behind her, focusing on my phone in my hand. As I reply to a text from Jason about the party tonight, I hear Bree talking to someone – once again introducing me as her boyfriend. I click my phone off and look up. The breath is sucked out of me in an instant.

Sitting on the bed in front of me is the most breathtaking woman I’ve ever seen in my life. She’s wearing sweatpants and a tank top, with her hair brown hair tied up in a ponytail. She’s absolutely mesmerizing. She looks from me to Bree, with a confused look on her face.

“Sorry. I’m Holden.” I say, basically fumbling over my words.

“Kayleigh.” She replies. Her voice is a light and calming tone, and I could easily find myself getting lost listening to her.

‘Get a fucking grip, H. She’s just another freshman.’ My subconscious reminds me. ‘It’s not like they all don’t throw themselves at you anyway.’

Bree goes into the bathroom to change and get ready, leaving Kayleigh and I alone together. She smiles sweetly at me, and I smirk in return. Ever since the ninth grade, when I learned how to lift weights, I’ve known what effect I can have on girls. Getting whoever I want has never been an issue.

“So, what are you doing tonight?” I question.

She looks up from writing in her little book. “Nothing. Probably just staying in.”

“Well, we’re having a party at my fraternity if you’re interested.”

“Oh, no thank you.” She responds, shaking her head.

Did she just tell me no? What the fuck.


“No?!” I ask indignantly, before I can filter myself.

“What? Is that not a word you hear often?”

“Well, to be honest, no. It’s not.”

She’s slightly taken back but recovers nicely. “I guess there’s a first time for everything.”

Bree steps out of the bathroom wearing a tight pair of jeans and a crop top. I decide to take a different approach, grabbing Bree’s hand and pulling her toward me. I place my hands on her ass and lean down to kiss her feverishly – thinking it would make Kayleigh jealous. I’ve never been so wrong. She stays focused on her notebook, but has a disgusted look on her face.

“You ready to go?” Bree asks, still recovering from the kiss. I nod and she says her goodbyes to Kayleigh, letting her know that she won’t be home tonight.

“It was nice meeting you.” I tell her, but she doesn’t respond. She doesn’t even look up, instead choosing to just raise her eyebrows and laugh, shaking her head slightly.

For the rest of the night, I can’t seem to get her out of my head. No matter how much I drink, or how many times Bree throws herself at me like a needy little puppy – all I can see is honey brown eyes with long lashes burned into my mind. I take out my phone and send a text to the one person who knows me better than I know myself.

Me: Bran, I think I met the girl of my dreams today.

Since that day, she’s never left my thoughts. No matter what I tried, she hated my guts. It just so happened that whenever I’d make some sort of arrogant comment, she would be within earshot. I never realized until it was too late, and her impression of me only got worse as time went on. It wasn’t until we were partnered together on that project, that I decided to let her know the real me – instead of the show I put on for everyone else.

“Drinking your problems away?” A familiar voice goes right through me. “Brandon, it’s nice to see you again.”

“Bianca.” He greets her. “It’s, well, my mother always told me not to lie.”

The corners of my mouth raise, unable to help myself. Brandon takes a sip of his beer as Bianca turns her attention to me.