"For what?!" I shout, yanking my arm away. "For you to explain?! For you to apologize?! Save it."

"I didn't mean for it to happen. She meant nothing." He tries.

A tear escapes my eye as I look up at him. "Let me guess, you didn't mean to lie about it either."

Reaching forward, he wipes away the dampness with his thumb and takes a step closer. "I was afraid I would lose you."

"And lying to me was a way to avoid that? How's that working out for you?" I shake my head and lightly push him away. "I'm sorry, I have to go."

"Let me come with you."

"No. I need space. You go enjoy the rest of the night with your friends."

He looks as if he wants to argue it, but instead sighs. "Will I see you at home?" I nod slowly before turning around and walking toward the cab. "I love you." He pleads.

"I know."

Climbing in the back of the cab, I take my phone out of my purse and press speed dial number four – placing it against my ear and waiting for it to ring.

"Where to ma'am?" The driver questions.

"The airport, please."

A familiar voice comes through the other end of the phone, and I do my best to hold myself together.

"Hey, mom. I need a favor."

Chapter 23


Iwatch as the cab drives away, willing for it to stop – for Kayleigh to forgive me or for a rewind button to magically appear. When none of those things happen, I lower my head and go back inside the house. Going straight to the bar and taking a seat, I order a shot of whiskey and pound it down as soon as it’s placed in front of me.

“Woah. You look like you got hit by a truck.” Brandon remarks as he sits on the stool next to me. “Where’s Kayleigh?”

“She left.” I tell him, my throat still burning from the shot.

He looks around as if he’s missing something. “What do you mean she left? What happened?”

“Bianca happened.”

“Ouch.” He hisses, waving the bartender over to order me another shot. “What’d the wicked bitch of the east do this time?”

I rub my thumbs against my temples in an attempt to wrap my head around this. “She told Kayleigh about us hooking up over summer, and that I told her about our break up.”

“I’m guessing you left that information out when you got back together?” I look him in the eyes but don’t say anything. Realization washes over his face. “Jesus Christ, you lied.”

“What was I supposed to tell her? Yeah, I had sex with my ex all summer while you were in rehab, but don’t worry, I still want you.”

“Well, maybe not in those words, but yeah. H, it took an entire month and a half for you to get up the courage to make a move on her, and another three before she agreed to go out with you. Why would you even risk it?”

I throw back the second shot and shake my head. “I don’t know. I didn’t think Bianca was going to be here tonight.”

“She’s Bianca Vanderlin.” He deadpans. “She lives for shit like this.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m an idiot.”

Brandon looks at me sympathetically and sighs. “Think it’s salvageable?”