Great. It's probably my things. He wants to make sure he can give them to me so he never has to see me again. A part of me wants to say something – tell him to do it here and now so we can avoid the awkward drive home. Yet at the same time, all I want to do is spend as much time with him as I can.
We pull up to the dark house, which is strange for a Saturday night. I half expected to need to hide in the car, not wanting to be subjected to the raging party they throw on the weekends.
"Where is everyone?"
Holden looks around, confused. "I guess they all decided to go out. Come in with me?"
Shit. Maybe he is going to do it here. We'd be all alone. No one to see me get upset or make a scene; or perhaps he just wants to have sex one last time. Reluctantly, I climb out of the car and walk over to where Holden waits with his hand extended toward me.
"I don't think I've ever seen this place so... quiet." I remark as Holden opens the front door.
We step inside and he turns on the lights. People are standing everywhere and all at once shout "SURPRISE!" I jump, completely startled, and turn to see my boyfriend with a wide smile on his face.
"You did this?!" I ask, smacking him lightly in the stomach.
He smiles shyly and shrugs. "You needed to see that the people who matter don't think anything less of you, and since I didn't get to celebrate your birthday last year..."
Suddenly, two hands cover my eyes and a voice I've known for years speaks into my ear.
"Guess who."
My jaw drops as I grab her wrists and spin around. "Emily?! Oh, my god! What are you doing here?!"
She hugs me excitedly and nods toward Holden. "Your boyfriend flew me out. Happy Birthday."
Turning around to look back at him, I jump into his arms. He catches me with ease and spins me around before putting me down.
"I can't possibly thank you enough." I tell him. "This is the best birthday ever."
He turns me to face away from him and wraps his arms around my waist while all my friends come over to greet me and say happy birthday. As nervous as I've been to see people, Holden was right. No one seems to care about that video anymore. It's like it's already been erased from their memories.
HALFWAY THROUGH THE PARTY, everyone's having an amazing time. Drinks are flowing and people are dancing. I'm leaning against the island in the kitchen with Holden on one side of me and Emily on the other. Dawson, Bree, and Skylar are all standing near us as Caleb and I go back and forth about who is better at beer pong. I'm about to win the argument, when the sound of slow clapping makes everyone go silent. A few people step to the side, until Jade is standing in front of me with an arrogant look on her face.
"Well, isn't this sweet." She sasses. "My invitation must have gotten lost."
Within seconds, Bree and Skylar are standing defensively in front of me. Holden pulls me closer to him, while Emily looks between Jade and I – wondering what's going on. I take a step forward, lightly separating Bree and Sky.
"What are you doing here, Jade?" I spit angrily.
She mocks offense and puts her hand on her chest. "I'm here to celebrate your birthday, of course. I brought you a little party favor." She takes out a little baggie of white powder and shakes it before tossing it onto the floor in front of me. I'm about to reply when everything registers with Emily.
"Wait one fucking minute." She barks as she steps up next to me. "This is the bitch who got you into that stuff?" I nod. "And the one who sent that video around to the entire campus?"
"Same girl." Bree confirms.
"Who the fuck are you?" Jade questions with attitude.
Emily smiles sweetly before taking a step toward her. "I'm Kayleigh's best friend, which makes me your worst nightmare."
Before anyone can stop her, Emily swings with her right fist and punches Jade directly in the face. Grabbing her by the hair, she continues to pound on her while Jade fails miserably to defend herself. People gather around, recording the fight – but no one dares to try to break it up. Instead, we just stand back and watch the girl I'd trust with my life, beat the shit out of the one who tried to destroy it.
Chapter 22
Three days later, the video of Emily fighting Jade is still circulating around campus. I don't know what makes me happier – the fact that the attention is fully off me, or that the caption to the video is 'Karma's a Jaded Bitch'. Needless to say, Emily made sure Jade will never come near me again.
Jade lies on the floor, face covered in blood as Emily kicks her once more in the stomach. The only sign of injury on my best friend is a piece of her hair extensions in Jade's clenched hand.
"Alright, Rocky." Caleb declares as he pulls Emily away from her. "As much as I'm enjoying this, I don't think murder is something you want on your record. Though judging by the look of things, I'm sure you'd do just fine in prison."