"Excuse me?" The girl two seats behind me gets my attention. "I'm sorry. I think that was meant for me." I decide to ignore her, and pull the jersey on over my clothes. “What are you doing? That's mine!"

I find my anxiety building and I want to cave in on myself. Is this what life is always going to be like with him? Another girl claiming everything he gives me is hers?

"You're just going to ignore me?! I'll come down there and rip it off you."

"Listen, Barbie." Skylar scoffs, fed up with her comments. "It wasn't meant for you. I know this because she's his girlfriend. So just sit down and shut up."

The girl looks shocked but bounces back quickly. "Holden doesn't have a girlfriend."

Skylar rolls her eyes and takes out her phone. She pulls up a picture from the Halloween party a week ago and shoves it in her face. "See?! Girlfriend. Get it?!"

Dawson and I laugh as the girl sits down and pouts. I look over at Skylar and mouth a silent 'Thank You'. She winks at me in response and snuggles happily into Dawson's side.

The game starts out and we get the puck. Holden skates circles around the other team, and within a few minutes, Jason scores the first goal. It's clear to anyone here who the favored team to win is.

Throughout the game, Holden does his best to make me comfortable. When someone tries flirting with him through the glass, he blatantly ignores it and skates away to another part of the ice. By the time he can take a break, he stands near the bench next to me. We're only separated by a sheet of glass, yet it's still hard to hear him.

"Are you okay?" He mouths with hand movements.

I nod happily and place my hand on the glass, the same way he did the first time I was here. He smiles and puts his on the other side. Just before he needs to get back onto the ice, he taps the glass three times. I eye him curiously, but he just smiles and glides away.

As I'm wrapped up in thinking what he could have meant by that, someone slams into the boards in front of us. I jump, putting my hand on my chest and looking up to see Jason laughing hysterically. I laugh and flip him off sarcastically.

During the last five minutes of the third period, the score is six to nothing. Skylar’s scrolling through her phone and waiting for the buzzer to sound, but Dawson is interested in the game. Once I became able to ignore all the women wanting my boyfriend, I really started to enjoy myself.

"Hey Kay?" Sky asks next to me. "Bree wants to know where you put the tampons."

"Huh?" I reply, confused. "I didn't buy any tampons. My period isn't due until the third."

She looks at me with an unreadable expression. "Hun, it's the eighth."

I narrow my eyes and pull my phone from my pocket. When I open the period tracking app, I see something that stops my heart.

Your Period is 5 Days Late.

Chapter 18

The rain falls from the sky, landing lightly on the pavement. It isn't the kind of rain that brings your mood down with it. No, it's the kind that falls at the perfect speed for sitting inside and watching it out the window. It makes you think and realize things you never have before.

My phone vibrates and Holden's name appears on the screen. I press ignore, pushing it aside and under a couch pillow.

"You do know you're going to have to talk to him eventually, right?" Dawson asks while Sky plays with my hair.

I sigh. "Yeah. I just don't know what to say to him."

"I might be having your baby, sounds like a good place to start."

"Have you met Holden? That's probably the worst place to start."

"You never know, he could surprise you." Sky remarks.

I shake my head. "No, now come on." I reply, tapping on the table with my pen. "You have a color scheme to decide on."

Thankfully, instead of fighting it, she rolls her eyes and goes back to the wedding planning.

THE SOUND OF MY chemistry professor's voice booms loudly through the room. Holden sits beside me, staring at the side of my face. I don't dare to look his way. He knows me better than I'd prefer right now, and he’d know I'm hiding something.

"Now add the third element to the beaker and place it over the flame."