Rolling his eyes playfully, he gives Bree a knowing look and I can only imagine what it means. Seriously, can they please stop conspiring together? It's dangerous.

Chapter 16

"Kayleigh!" Sky yells as I turn to look at Dawson.

I snap my head back instantly. "Sorry, sorry."

"Don't apologize to me. You're going to be the one with a crooked wig."

We're currently getting ready for the Halloween Party over at Kappa Delta Phi. Everyone else is already there, except for the three of us. I needed Skylar's help getting ready. Someone, who's name rhymes with Tree, came up with the great idea for Holden and me to go as Danny and Sandy from Grease. Oh, and by great, I mean absolutely horrific.

The high-waist black leather pants are so tight, they may as well be painted on. Also, the sleeves on this shirt hang off my shoulders, which means the only thing keeping it up is the elastic around the top. Going naked sounds like a better idea. At least then I'd be owning it.

"Okay, pucker." Sky says as she applies my makeup, including fire engine red lipstick. "Good, you're done. Now you just have to put on the heels."

I groan audibly. "Do I have to?"

"No. You can just go as a weirdo in leather and Uggs." Dawson quips, causing me to stick my tongue out at him.

The red heels match the lipstick, and scare the ever-living crap out of me. I don't have much experience walking in shoes that aren't flats, let alone two inch heels. I practiced for a little while yesterday, but after the seventh time I tripped, I took them off. The last thing I need is a broken ankle.

I slip my feet into the shoes and find my balance. "Okay. You guys ready?"

They both nod, and Dawson stands up from the couch. "Don't forget your jacket."

Taking it from him, I drape it over my shoulder before looking in the mirror. "I've never worn so much leather in my life. Between the pants and the jacket, PETA is going to come after me."

The two of them laugh and while I look myself over once more. As much as I would never wear this outfit on my own, I must admit I've looked worse. For once, I'm not judging every inch of my body. It's refreshing.

Dawson follows Sky and I out of the apartment, locking the door as I take my time on the stairs – I take one at a time like a small child. When he's done, he jogs past me, making sure to stop and chuckle at my lack of coordination.

"Ignore him." Sky says as she waves him away.

I smirk as I respond. "I do, constantly."

The ride to the party is quick, only being a few minute drive away from the frat house. When we get there, I can tell it's one of the bigger parties of the year. People are already overflowing from the house onto the front yard, which usually means the backyard is already full.

Dawson parks down the street and we all climb out of the car. I hold onto Sky's arm to help steady myself until I get the hang of walking in these god-awful things. Thankfully, by the time we get up to the front door, I have a little more balance.

Walking inside, my eyes immediately look around for Holden. When I spot him, he's standing with Josephine, Jason, and Caleb. He's not facing me, but I can see his hair is slicked back. His black leather jacket has the collar popped and goes perfectly with the black jeans and converse. His white t-shirt provides the perfect contrast to the costume.

Jason spots me first, and smiles as he smacks Holden in the arm to get his attention. It all seems to happen in slow motion. Holden turns to face me and as soon as his eyes meet mine, his jaw drops. I look down at the ground and smile, feeling suddenly self-conscious under his stare. When I look back up, he has the widest grin I've seen all year.

"Wow." He says as soon as we meet in the middle, looking me up and down.

"You look good." I compliment.

He raises his eyebrows as he looks me over again. "You look fucking phenomenal. My god. I am the luckiest guy here."

Rolling my eyes playfully, I stretch to give him a kiss. Judging by the way he reacts, I know exactly how tonight is going to go. His hand grips my lower back and he pulls me as close as possible.

Within seconds, Bree comes over with her phone demanding to take our picture. We comply, knowing there isn't much we can do to get out of it. Besides, we don't have enough pictures together, and I know how much Holden hates that. She takes a couple – one with us looking at the camera, and another when we're looking at each other. They both come out great, but my favorite is the latter. The look in our eyes says everything.

"You know, you’re hot as a blonde." Bree remarks.

I laugh softly. "Eh, I think I'll leave the bleached look to you."

"Suit yourself."