The game starts and immediately the tension is high. We had decided on girls against boys, due to the fact that we had an equal amount of each. The girls got red while the guys took the blue.

Bree and I try to stick together, but eventually Carson shoots her and she ends up running off to chase after him. I do my best to shoot the guys. I end up getting Dawson a couple of times and Caleb and Jason each once. Yet, I can't seem to find Holden at all.

It's halfway through the session, and I'm somehow yet to get shot once. Just when I'm about to go around a corner, Holden pops out and aims his gun at me.

"No, no, no. Don't." I raise my gun to shoot him but he knocks it out of my hand and onto the ground. I try to use my hands to cover the targets on my body, but it's no use. He takes a step closer, causing me to back up. I hit the wall and I realize there is nowhere else to go.

"Stuck?" He asks.

"Don't come any closer."

"You don't mean that." He takes another step toward me.

I get lost in the look in his eyes, and suddenly he's right. I don't mean that at all. He closes the distance between us and places his free hand on my hip. Glancing down at my lips and then back to my eyes, he's silently asking for my permission. I run my fingers up his arm, and that's all it takes before he leans in and connects our lips.

My hands move to his head and lace into his hair, using what grip I have to pull him impossibly closer. He squeezes my side tightly as his body presses up against mine, breathing me in while our mouths move together.

I slide my hands down to his neck and arch my hips to grind against him. A low moan comes from the back of his throat, effectively sending chills down my


"Seriously?!" Jo yells from about 20 feet away.

My head snaps toward her but Holden doesn't look away from me. He lifts his gun to the side and shoots, striking her dead in the target and causing the noise of her being hit to sound.

"Bastard." She murmurs and walks away to recharge her gear.

I look back at Holden to find him smiling at me cockily. "Now, where were we?"

WE GET BACK TO the frat house a little after six and order a couple pizzas. It's nice to hang out with everyone, without a big party taking place. We all sit around the kitchen, eating and drinking beer. I, however, decide to drink water instead. My head still isn't in the right place to have a drink.

Once we're all done eating, Caleb comes up with the idea to have a bonfire. We migrate out to the backyard and wait while Holden, Jason, and Caleb get it lit. I sit in a chair between Bree and Skylar, only to see Holden pout from across me. I take out my phone and compose a quick text.

Me: What's wrong grumpy?

His eyebrows furrow when he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulls it out and leans forward, looking at me curiously as he opens it. Once he reads the message, he smiles. It only takes a few seconds before I have a response.

Holden: You're too far away.

I roll my eyes playfully before standing up and slipping my phone back into my pocket. I scoot past Bree in one chair and Carson in the other. When I finally get to Holden, he looks up at me and smiles. Leaning back, he makes grabby hands at me like a child. I giggle and sit on his lap.

"You're a clingy boyfriend." Bree remarks.

"Not my boyfriend." The words tumble out of my mouth by habit, and I internally face-palm.

Everyone around us makes little comments such as 'yeah okay' and 'you keep thinking that'. I chuckle and turn back to look at Holden. Thankfully, he doesn't seem too affected. He smiles and places a light kiss to my shoulder.

"We have to have the nosiest friends in the world." He quips.

Bree scoffs. "Shut it, Rivers. Go get me a beer."

"Have your boyfriend get it for you."

"But then I'd miss him."

Holden rolls his eyes, then pats my side for me to stand up. "Do you want anything?"

"Water, please" I answer sweetly.