"Ahem." Jason clears his throat. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

Holden snaps out of it and nods. "

We do." He turns around to address four of the guys. "This is Dawson. Consider him your boss for the next few hours. You are not to leave until he says you can. Understood?"

They all nod in unison. Caleb and Jason walk around to our side of the counter. Jason hops up to sit on it, while Caleb leans against it on the other side of Dawson.

"We brought you slaves." Jason remarks.

Caleb barks out a laugh. "They're not slaves. They're rushes. Still though, we brought you help."

"I see that." Dawson replies. "Thanks guys."

Holden smiles and then focuses his attention on me. "Are you ready to go?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Judging by what you're wearing, no. I'm not ready at all." He bites his lip in an effort to contain his smile.

"We were thinking you'd say that." Bree and Sky remark from behind him.

My jaw drops when I see two of my best friends. Bree's holding a dress and shoes, while Sky has a big bag filled of makeup and hair supplies. They walk over and grab me by my arm, pulling me into the back room.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I question.

Bree looks at me knowingly. "Would you rather go to dinner in your uniform?"

"Nope." I reply without hesitation. "Carry on."

They have me change my clothes first. Once I'm done, Sky curls my hair while Bree does my makeup. Between the two of them, I'm finished in a record breaking 15 minutes. They check me over once before sending me on my way. I end up stumbling out the door; the result of them rushing me. Thankfully, I catch myself.

"Wow. You look amazing." Holden compliments.

I try to breath. "Thanks. You ready?"

He nods and gives the rushes one more serious look as he leads me to the door. Just as we're walking out, Jason yells from where he sits.

"Have fun, lovebirds!"

Everyone snickers as the door swings closed behind us. Holden places his hand on my lower back, walking me to his car.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with them." He quips, opening the passenger door for me.

I smile sweetly. "Because they love you."

He chuckles as he shuts the door and walks around to the driver's side. Once he's buckled, he starts the car and pulls out onto the road. We spend the drive talking about his upcoming game on Tuesday and Caleb's new girlfriend. Apparently, he started dating a girl named Jacki. I'm happy for him. I just hope she's better than Taylor.

A little under a half hour later, Holden pulls into the parking lot of a restaurant called The Fiddlehead. Just by the look of it, I can see why we're dressed up. He climbs out of the car and runs around to my side to open the door and help me out. I thank him quietly and stay close as he leads me inside.

"Good Evening. How may I help you?" The hostess asks.

"Reservation for Rivers."

"Ah, yes. Right this way, sir."

She leads us back to a separate room with one table in the middle. As I take my seat, I notice how dark it is in here. However, just before she walks out, she flicks a switch and a bunch of twinkling lights above us turn on. It's beautiful.

"You planned all this?" I ask once we're alone.

He tilts his head slightly to the side. "I had a little help." When I eye him curiously, he smirks. "Bree."