Chapter 12

"You know, this started out as a job to keep you company, but now that Skylar's here, can't I just quit?"

Dawson laughs while Skylar's eyebrows furrow. "What are you doing?! Don't give him any ideas! I have to live with him. Don't make me work with him, too!"

Bree and I chuckle as Dawson's smile turns to a pout. Sky mocks his expression before kissing him on the nose. It's simple, but satisfies his needs.

"We're only kidding. I would never quit." I remark.

Dawson eyes me suspiciously. "Because of the free coffee?"

"Well now that you mention it..."

He picks up a muffin and throws it at me, causing me to squeal and shield myself. The ding sounds as the door opens, and Bree taps on my arm incessantly.

"What?" I ask, still looking down and brushing crumbs off me.

"Who ordered a tree?"

"Huh?" Looking towards the door, I see the largest bouquet of long stem red roses I've ever seen in my life. You can barely even see the person holding them. "Uh, excuse me? I think you have the wrong place."

A guy places the arrangement on the counter and steps to the side. "Is this Dolce?" He questions, searching for a sign.


"Then I'm in the right place. I'm looking for a..." He pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolds it. "Kayleigh Jacobs."

Sky's jaw drops as everything starts to make sense to me. "I'm Kayleigh."

He smiles, handing me a pen and the piece of paper. "Great. Can you just sign here?"

I take the pen from him and quickly sign my name. When I'm done, the man thanks me and leaves the coffee house. I need to stand on my tippy toes in order to see the top of the bouquet. I finally spot the card and pull it from the holder.

There is nothing more beautiful than you,

but these were the closest I could find.

Have dinner with me tonight?

- Holden

"Who are they from?!" Dawson questions, causing Bree and Skylar to face-palm.

"Do you even need to ask?" Bree chuckles before turning to me. "Are you going to go?"

I sigh and shake my head. "I have to close."

"No, no, no. I can handle closing." Dawson contests.

"You can't. We have to do inventory. It'll take you all night."

He groans audibly, seeming more annoyed than I am by the situation. I excuse myself to the back room and take out my phone, dialing Holden's number and waiting for it to ring.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hey." I reply, instantly feeling the butterflies at the sound of his voice. "I got your flowers. They're beautiful. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Did you read the card?"