The two of us busy ourselves with customer orders and trying to experiment with flavors to make the perfect cup of coffee. It isn't until about 45 minutes later that my phone vibrates. I pull it out and smile when I see a response from Holden.

Holden: Thanks babe.

There's that word again – babe. Such a simple term of endearment that causes goosebumps to rise across my ski

n. If only I knew what he meant by it. Does he even think before he uses it, or is it just out of habit? Ugh, what I would give to know what he's thinking.

I sit on the counter as I scroll through twitter. There are tons of tweets and retweets congratulating the team on their win. It isn't until I see a picture posted by Jason that the smile falls off my face. Many of the players are gathered at what looks like a bar, surrounded by beautiful women. Holden isn't in the picture, but I can only imagine what kind of girls are trying to hang all over him.

"What's wrong?" Dawson asks, concerned. Instead of saying anything, I simply turn my phone towards him. "Oh."

I shrug. "I mean, do I even have a right to be upset? It's not like we're together."

He thinks about it for a second before answering. "Honestly? Not really. That's why you need to talk and figure out what’s going on between you two."

"I know. I'm just scared. What if he doesn't want to get back together? I mean, he said himself it's not the right time for a girlfriend."

"Eh, that was also before you two hooked up again. I wouldn't really take that too seriously."

"Yeah, maybe."

Once looking at the clock, I notice its ten minutes until closing and we still have stuff to do. I hop off the counter and head into the back room to grab the mugs from the dishwasher. While I'm there, I gather all the cleaning supplies and garbage bags. Just as I’m picking it all up, Dawson swings the door open.

"I'll get that." He says.

"Huh? I've already got it."

His grin screams that he knows something I don’t. "You have something else to attend to."

Confused, I walk toward the door he's holding open and peek out of it – seeing Holden standing by the counter. My eyes widen as I turn to Dawson, who wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. I chuckle as I hand him the mugs and slip through the door.

"Hey you." Holden greets me with a wide smile on his face.

"Hey hotshot."

As I go to give him a hug, he lifts me up and spins me around. I squeal in surprise while he giggles into my neck. When he's done, he puts me down and I take a small step back.

"What are you doing here? You should be out celebrating with the team."

He tilts his head slightly to the side. "Meh. I thought about it, but I decided to come here instead."

"Are you sure? Dolce doesn't have victory shots."

He laughs softly before his expression turns serious. "Trust me, Kay. I'm exactly where I want to be."

Holden and I spend the next half hour talking as he follows me around the coffee shop. At one point, he even helps me wipe down tables. It feels like old times, when he would wait for me to get off work so he could drive me back to his place.

A few minutes after we finish up, the door opens and Bree walks in with Skylar.

"Oh, hey Holden." She sounds off, and they share a look I haven't seen in a year.

He clears his throat. "H-hey Bree. How've you been?"


Dawson and Skylar look between the three of us as I try to figure out what's going on. Thankfully, Skylar voices the question all three of us are thinking.

"Did you two bang or something? Cause you're acting like you banged."