He shrugs slightly. "You disappeared last night."

"Oh." I don't know whether I'm surprised by the fact that he did, in fact, notice, or that he's calling me out on it. "Yeah, sorry. Bree was feeling sick." I lie.

"That's funny cause I just saw her and she said it was you who felt sick." I close my eyes and cringe as Dawson snorts behind me. Holden sighs before continuing. "Look, if you didn't want to go you could have just told me."

I can't help but feel like I may have ruined the small shot we had, all because of some stupid jealousy. "It's not that. I wanted to go, I swear."

"Then why did you leave?"

I bite my lip as I try to think of an excuse but I ultimately come up empty. All I know is I can't tell him the truth. "I don't know."

He looks physically pained by my answer. Instead of replying, he simply nods before turning around and heading toward the exit.

"Holden, wait." I call out. He stops and looks back at me, but the answer gets stuck in my throat, and I can't get it out. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too." He responds and he leaves as quick as he came.

LATER THAT NIGHT, DAWSON and I are cleaning up when Bree and Skylar walk through the door. He smiles happily and goes over to greet his fiancé. I can't help but notice their outfits.

"You two look fancy." I remark.

"Duh. It's the annual black and white party at Kappa." My roommate answers, causing me to face-palm.

"Aw boo, I have nothing to wear." The sarcasm drips from my lips. "Guess you'll have to go without me."

Bree and Skylar chuckle at something unbeknownst to me. "We thought you might say that, so we brought a dress with us."

Bree reaches into her large bag, pulling out a white dress and heels. I notice the dress is hers, and probably my favorite one out of her wardrobe. Still, I feel uneasy about going.

"I don't know if he wants me there."

Dawson and Sky laugh while Bree smiles deviously. "Is that why he texted me asking if you were coming?"

"He did?"

She nods, opening her phone and handing it to me. I read the conversation carefully.

Bree: Weather sucks. Is the party still on tonight?

Holden: Rain or shine. You coming?

Bree: Yeah.

Holden: Sweet. Is Kayleigh coming with you?

Bree: I'm not sure. I'd assume so though.

Holden: Please make sure she does.

Bree: You could tell her to yourself.

Holden: Why would I do that when I have you to do it for me?

Bree: To be gentlemanly and chivalrous.

Holden: You really need to stop reading the dictionary.

Bree: Whatever, douche.