We pull up to my building and I thank him quietly. As soon as I open my door, though, he stops me.
"Wait." I span around to face him. "Would you maybe want to come to my game tomorrow?"
I smile, finding it endearing how nervous he looks. "Do you want me to come?" He nods shyly. "Then I'll be there."
My words cause him to light up. He tells me he will leave two tickets at the door, and after we say goodnight, I get out of the car. I basically float inside, still unsure what's going on with us, but loving where it’s headed.
Chapter 8
"I'm telling you, Kayleigh. I just don't think it's a good idea." Bree cautions. "There was a reason I stopped going to his games."
I roll my eyes, wrapping my hair around the curling rod. "I'm sure I'll be fine. He wants me to be there, so I'm going."
She sighs, getting up from her bed and grabbing the wand from me. "Okay, don't say I didn't warn you." She takes a section of hair from the back of my head and begins to curl it. "Seriously though, if you need to leave, do it."
"Your pep talk would be a lot more effective if you were coming with me." I quip.
She glares at me through the mirror. Now that I think about it, being a smart ass to the girl holding a hot rod to my head is probably not the best idea. I smile sweetly, causing her to snicker.
"Alright, fine." She caves. "But I'm only going so I can say I told you so."
I hum contently, feeling accomplished. While Bree finishes my hair, I can't help but think about our ruined moment last night. Was he going to kiss me? Will he try again? Do I want him to?
If I'm being honest, Holden's lips on mine is something I've been craving for months now. Every time I'm around him, I find myself mentally screaming for him to do something. Caleb and Jason said he's still hung up on me, but were they right? Could we end up getting back together? Would we make it? God, I hope so.
THE ARENA IS PACKED with fans excited to see the game. The tickets Holden left for us are front row, right next to their bench. They're by far the best seats in the place. I look around, completely shocked by the amount of people here.
How does he handle all this attention?
Who am I kidding, he's Holden Rivers. He probably eats it up.
The lights dim as music starts playing and the crowd cheers. A mascot comes out through the inflatable bear at the entrance, skating around the rink with the team flag. Spotlights move around, reflecting off the ice. Everyone's on their feet and screaming loudly while the music builds. Suddenly, the tune changes and the crowd begins clapping along.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! The University of Maine, Bllllllllllack Bears!"
Players skate onto the ice as everyone cheers. They skate in a circle to hype everyone up. The first player to break from the cycle skates past and hits the glass in front of us. I smile brightly, seeing RIVERS with the number 17 on the back of his jersey.
I glance at Bree and see her looking behind us. I follow her eyes and then I see it. There are so many signs being held up.
#17 - Meet Me Behind the Zamboni?
Rivers, show me a hat trick, I'll show you a sex trick!
Now that I'm getting a better look, there are so many girls in Holden's jersey. While I'm glad he has so many fans, I start to feel insanely self-conscious. How am I supposed to compete with this? I turn my attention back to the ice as my anxiety starts to build.
Don't worry about them, Kayleigh. Just watch the game.
Bree must sense my discomfort because she gives me a sympathetic look. Despite warning me not to come, she clearly feels bad. After all, she knows firsthand what it's like to be in my position.
Another player smacks the glass in front of us, causing me to jump. I put my hand on my chest, and the two of us break into laughter. Fucking Jason.
The Black Bears line up near their goal and the other team is introduced. As soon as they skate out, the arena mostly boos them. Of course, there are the few people that cheer, but it's obvious who the home team is.
When they're done skating, they line up on the opposite side and the person singing the star-spangled banner is announced. She walks out to the end of the red-carpet runway that's laid on the ice.
Her voice booms through the speakers as everyone stays focused on the flag, their hands over their hearts. She sounds fantastic and when she's finished, the crowd gives her a deafening applause. Holden skates over and gives her a brief hug, smiling in the charming way he does. I see her take out her phone and take a quick selfie with him. After signing her jersey, he skates off and she walks back through the entrance – clearly pleased with herself.