"Hey man, thanks for helping my fiancé." Dawson says to Holden.

"Don't mention it. I was happy to." He replies. "Besides, gave me something to make the new rushes do."

"What happened to the days of scaring the piss out of them?"

"Oh, we still do, but everyone gets offended these days. We have to balance the bad shit with lame shit so we don’t get sued or shut down."

Dawson laughs, nodding in understanding. "Well, I appreciate it." He winks at me before walking away and into the back room, leaving Holden and I alone.

"How was practice?" I question, walking around the counter to start wiping down some tables.

He follows behind me casually. "Brutal. It had to be done though. We have a big game tomorrow."

"Think you're ready?"

Pondering it for a minute, he blows on his coffee and takes a sip. "I don't think we're in the best shape we could be in, but I think we can handle them. It's my first game as captain so I

'm a little nervous."

"Don't be." I say honestly. "You'll be great. I'm sure of it."

Holden hangs around while Dawson and I clean up. We talk about random topics, and he helps himself to more coffee.

"Any more of that and you won't get any sleep tonight." I warn.

He waves his hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah."

After he's done, he walks over to the couch. He places the cup on the end table and sits down - putting his feet in front of him. I walk over to wipe down the coffee table, knocking his feet down in the process.


"Hey nothing, I've got a job to do." I sass.

Holden reaches forward and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me down next to him. He moves his hands to my waist and starts tickling me. I squirm, laughing and begging him to stop. When he finally does, I realize the position we're in. I'm leaning back against him; his arms are around me with his hands on my stomach. His face is only centimeters away from mine.

He slowly glances down at my lips then back up to my eyes. Just when he starts to lean in, the door from the back room swings open and Dawson comes into the room – whistling and effectively killing the moment.

I close my eyes and exhale in disappointment. In typical Holden fashion, he plays it off perfectly, standing up and excusing himself to the bathroom. Once he's gone, I glare at Dawson.

"What? What'd I do?" He asks innocently.

I shake my head and chuckle at his horrible timing. "Nothing."

When Holden comes back, he acts like nothing happened. "Do you want me to give you a ride home?"

"Uh, yeah... sure. I just have to lock up first."

"You guys go ahead. I've got it." Dawson tells us.

"Are you sure?"

He nods. "Yeah, I'm just about done. It's fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

I walk over to the coat hanger and grab my jacket. "Okay, thanks Daws. Text me and let me know when you get home, alright?"

"You got it boss."

Holden and I climb into his car, and as soon as I buckle my seatbelt, he pulls onto the road. The ride is quiet, but not uncomfortable. Neither one of us dare to mention what almost happened earlier, but he's playing it off impressively. Maybe he wasn't going to kiss me.