Skylar and I share a look. When she seems just as confused as I am, I question him. "What?"

"I thought..." He pauses, taking another breath. "I thought you were doing drugs again."

It's quiet for a few seconds before the three of us break out into hysterics. We laugh until our stomachs hurt and tears are streaming down our cheeks.

"Okay, in hindsight, we really should have thought about that." I say to Sky.

She nods, still giggling. "But do you like your surprise?" She asks Dawson.

He places one hand on her cheek. "I love my surprise, and I love you."

A COUPLE OF DAYS later, I'm working a shift at Dolce with Dawson. He still can't get over the fact that him and Skylar live together. I must say, out of all the time I've known him, I've never seen him this happy.

I take the last customers coffee from Dawson and hand it to the girl. She thanks me before walking away. I turn around and pull my phone out of my pocket, seeing another text from Holden.

Since the day of the move, the two of us have been texting constantly. Neither of us have brought up the topic of our relationship, though, and what exactly we're doing. I think we're both too afraid of the answer to ask. Still, I've missed being able to talk to him all the time.

"There's that smile again." Dawson nudges me.

I roll my eyes as I open the message.

Holden: Practice just ended, and I need caffeine.

I chuckle slightly, typing out a reply.

Me: Dolce is open for another half hour.

Holden: I'm on my way.

I put my phone back in my pocket and pick up the closest dishtowel, wiping down the counter to get a head start on things.

"You're really going to act like there is nothing going on between you two?" Dawson stresses.

I sigh, dropping the towel and turning around. "Not exactly. I don't know what's going on between us."

"Like last year?"

"No. Not like last year." I say, shaking my head. "We haven't done anything. We just text a lot."

"So, you're friends."

"I guess."

He studies the look on my face. "Are you sure that's enough for you?"

"For now. I'm just glad he's back in my life."

"And what are you going to do when it's not enough anymore?"

Running my fingers through my hair, I take a deep breath. It's not like I haven't thought of this before. It's just never been an easy topic to come to terms with. If I could have things my way, I'd rewind everything – back to before it all got so complicated. Maybe then we'd stand a chance.

The sound of the door opening pulls me from my thoughts. I turn around and see Holden walking toward the counter.

"That was fast." I tell him.

He smiles guiltily. "Yeah, well, I was kind of already on my way here when I texted you."

I laugh, grabbing a cup and pouring the coffee into it – adding a little cream and sugar, just the way he likes it.