"True." He answers immediately.

"See?" Caleb says with confidence. "And we know him best."

Just as I'm about to respond, Holden walks back through the door. Caleb and Jason scatter like cockroaches, trying to play it off like nothing happened. My ex, however, isn't convinced.

"What was that about?" He asks.

I roll my eyes playfully. "They were just being idiots, as usual."

He hums in acknowledgement and takes a sip of his beer. I sneak glances at him, wondering what it would be like if we got back together.

Chapter 7

Ido my best to play it cool as I sit in the passenger seat of Dawson's car. My knee is bouncing and I'm chewing on my sweatshirt sleeve while he drives to our destination.

"What’s up with you? You seem nervous as hell."

I put my hand down, pressing on my knee to stop it from shaking. "I'm fine. Just anxious today, that's all."

If he realizes I'm lying, he doesn't mention it. Instead, he focuses on the road ahead of him, side-eyeing me while I try to keep myself calm.

After spending the entire day getting the apartment set up, it finally reached the time for me to get Dawson there. We thanked the guys for all their help, and I went to Dolce. Dawson was just getting off work when I asked him to drive me to a friend's place to pick up some notes. He agreed and we both climbed into his car – leading us up to this moment.

"Turn left up here." I tell him. "We're almost there."

He gives me a look, but makes the turn anyway. Shit, did he figure it out?

As we pull up to the familiar building, I point it out. "It's that one. Just park in one of those spots."

"You said this is your friend's house?" He asks, and I nod. "What friend?"

"A new one, from one of my classes." I lie.

The two of us climb out of the car and enter the building, climbing up the stairs. Dawson hesitantly follows behind me. When we finally reach the door, I put my hand on the knob.

"You're not going to knock?"


"No. She's expecting me."

I open the door and step inside, holding it open for Dawson to come in as well. He looks around the room, thankfully not noticing the pictures of him and Skylar on the mantle.

"Nice place."

"You like it?" Skylar asks, stepping out from the hallway.

The look on Dawson's face is priceless. His jaw drops and he does a double take, almost as if he doesn't believe it's really her.

"Skylar? What are you doing here?!" He goes over and embraces her in a tight hug, picking her up and spinning around.

She giggles happily. "I transferred. I didn't want to spend another day without you."

Dawson looks at me and then back at her, still in disbelief. "Wait, so this is your apartment?"

"No, baby. This is our apartment."

He looks up the ceiling and then places his hand on his chest, taking a deep breath. "Oh, thank God."