
"I did miss you. I could have just texted you about the favor."

He smiles, but I don't wait for him to respond. I turn

back around and continue my walk down the stairs – already excited to see him tomorrow.

I CLIMB THE FLIGHT of stairs to the apartment, putting the large box down as soon as I get inside. Throughout all the discussions we had about this place, Skylar failed to mention it was upstairs – something Bree made sure to point out the second we got here.

"I'm not saying you're more than friends, I'm just saying I don't know how you went over there to discuss the move and ended up in his sweatshirt." Bree remarks, placing her box on the counter.

"I told you, it was cold in his room."

"And what? His big strong arms weren't enough to keep you warm?" Sky quips, making Bree snicker.

The three of us walk back down the stairs to the moving truck, just as two black SUVs pull up. Holden climbs out of one, having a total of nine other guys with him – Caleb and Jason are among them.

"You are my lifesaver." Bree mock swoons. "Remind me again why we broke up? Oh, that's right. You fell in love with my roommate."

"Easy, Bree. Your jealousy's showing." Jason says, causing all of us to laugh.

She flips her hair over her shoulder. "Nah, I have Carson now. And besides, these two make a cute couple." She gestures toward Holden and me.

I glare at her while Sky snorts. "Go ahead, Kay. Tell her she's wrong."

As I glance at Holden, everyone is looking at me intently – very interested in what I'll say. Instead of answering, I sigh. "Come on. There's a lot to do."

THANKS TO ALL THE manpower, Skylar, Bree and I hardly have to lift a finger. I sit on the kitchen counter, dangling my feet while Sky points to where she wants the couch. At one point, I had started to unpack, but Holden told me to stop and one of the new guys took over.

"We've got beer!" Caleb yells as he and Jason enter with two 30 packs.

Holden walks over, grabbing two and coming back to me. He hands me a can, but I hesitate.

"Oh, I don't..."

"Kayleigh." He cuts me off. "It's just one beer. You're okay."

I smile cautiously, taking the beer and thanking him. The sound of cans opening fills the room and I take a breath before bringing it to my lips. As the liquid flows down my throat, I realize he's right. It's just one beer.

A half hour later, Holden goes downstairs to check how much is left. While he's gone, Caleb appears at my side, leaning against the counter.

"You know, he's still in love with you."

"No, he isn't." I reply.

Caleb chuckles. "Yeah, he is. He told me on the way over here."

"He did not."

"Okay, maybe those weren't his exact words, but he definitely is." I can't help but laugh. "Oh, come on. You think he would have made it mandatory for us to be here if he wasn't? Kayleigh, he's crazy about you."

"He made it mandatory?"

"Mhm." He nods. "Hey Jay, come over here."

Jason walks away from his conversation with one of the new guys and over to us. "What's up?"

"True or False, Holden's still hung up on Kayleigh."