He goes into his walk-in closet and comes back out a few seconds later with a hoodie, grinning as he hands it to me. "Some things never change."

"You mean like your tendency to think you're an Eskimo?" I reply, tugging the sweatshirt over my head.

"I was thinking more along the lines of you never wearing a jacket, but yeah there's that, too." He quips.

The two of us sit on his bed, talking about how the first week of classes went. He mentions he had to skip the first day of Chemistry due to a hockey meeting, which leads to me finding out we're in the same class. I'm glad because finding a lab partner was one thing I was stressing over.

After a little over a half hour of talking about random topics, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out, seeing a text from Skylar.

Sky: So? Is he going to help us?

"Shit." I mumble. I almost forgot why I came here in the first place.

Holden eyes me carefully. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine." I answer. "I have a favor to ask."

"And here I was thinking you came over because you missed me." He smirks. "What's up?"

I play with the sleeve of the hoodie, where the end is frayed a little bit. "Well, Bree, Skylar, and I need to borrow a few of the new guys."

He raises his eyebrows. "Decided to start dating younger?"

Laughter bubbles out of my mouth. "God, no." I reply, seeing Holden visibly relax. "Skylar is Dawson's fiancé. She transferred here and we need to move her and Dawson's stuff into their new apartment, but Dawson can't know. It's a surprise."

"A surprise apartment?"

"Not exactly. The surprise is that Skylar transferred, but yeah, kind of."

He lays down, propping himself up on one arm. "What's in it for me?"

My jaw drops and my brows furrow. "Uh, the satisfaction of knowing you helped with an awesome surprise?"

He hums as if he's thinking about it. I'm starting to become angry when he cracks. "I'm kidding. Of course, we'll help. When's the move?"

All the tension within me melts away. "Tomorrow?" I answer nervously.

He sighs, chuckling softly. He reaches back and grabs his phone off the nightstand. After messing with it for a second, he puts it to his ear. I can hear it ring a couple of times before someone answers.

"Hey. I need a house meeting for tonight. Make sure the rushes are all there.... Yeah... Thanks man." He hangs up. "Just text me the address for where we need to be and what time."

I lunge across the bed, hugging him tightly. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

He wraps his arms around me and places his hands on my back. "You're welcome."

Upon realizing our compromising position, I blush and back away quickly. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize. Not for that." He whispers.

Suddenly feeling entirely way too much, I stand. "I should get going. I have to help Sky finalize plans and such." It’s a horrible lie.

"Oh, okay." He sounds disappointed. "I'll walk you out."

The two of us walk down the stairs and to the front door. "Thank you again." I tell him sincerely.

"It's no problem, really. Make sure you text me."

"I will." I take a couple steps out onto the porch before stopping. "Oh, and Holden?"