Details: Create two abnormal social situations. One of the situations needs to be positive while the other needs to be negative. For example, as a positive situation, you can pay for something for others. However, you must be able to fully observe the subject in the situation. One person may observe if he/she takes detailed notes. An example of a negative situation would be accusing someone of something they didn’t do.


“Seems easy enough.” Holden mumbles as he finishes reading. “So, do you want to come up with the positive situation and I’ll come up with the negative?”

A part of me wants to make a comment about him being rude and creating negative situations every day, but I bite my tongue and choose to nod instead.

For the rest of the class the two of us work separately. He creates a list of possible negative situations while I come up with a list of potential positives. Personally, I don’t know how he came up with so many negatives. Then again, it shouldn’t surprise me being as he’s an ass.

BY THE TIME CLASS is over, I have come up with six situations and Holden has come up with ten. The two of us look over each other’s lists and decide on each one together. For the positive situation, we’ll be paying for five people’s groceries at the local food store. For the negative, we’ll be creating a fake scene of a man being rude to his girlfriend in a public place. Thankfully, we can use Brianna so I can watch the reactions. Meanwhile, Holden will just be himself.

The remainder of the day is a blur. The only thing I can think about is getting back to my dorm and being able to fall asleep. A part of me considers skipping the rest of my classes, but that wouldn’t look good at the start of the school year. When I finally make it back to my room, I flop down face first onto my bed and fall asleep immediately.

I WAKE UP TO the sound of Mr. Loud and Obnoxious. I don’t move even the slightest bit, hoping he will go away.

“Quiet, Holden. Can’t you see she’s sleeping?” Brianna chastises him.

He groans loudly. “Bree, it’s six o’clock. Who the hell sleeps at six o’clock?” The last few words sound muffled, telling me Bree put her hand over his mouth.

I sleepily roll over and use the back of my hands to rub my eyes. When I adjust to the bright light, I look over to Bree’s bed and see her and Holden snuggled up watching a movie on her laptop.

“Good Morning Sleepyhead.” She greets me.

“Morning.” I reply, my voice sounding groggy. I clear my throat and sit up. “How long have I been out for?”

“Forever.” Holden mutters. Bree elbows him quickly. “Ow! What was that for?”

“Being rude.” She says bluntly. Holden rolls his eyes but smiles and kisses her forehead. “We’re going to go get dinner soon. Do you want anything?”

“No thanks. I’m not really hungry.” I lie.

Holden snorts. “Yeah, okay. We could hear your stomach growling in your sleep.”

Bree glares at him while I grab the closest pillow to me and place it over my stomach, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

“It’s okay. Really. I’m not feeling too well, hence why I was sleeping.” I tell them.

Holden eyes me suspiciously. “Is that why you ran out of class earlier?”

Bree looks surprised, showing that it’s the first time she’s hearing about it. I guess Holden didn’t tell her.

“You ran out of class? Are you okay?” She questions, clearly concerned for my wellbeing.

“I’m fine, I promise. It was just an anxiety attack. I get them all the time. No reason to worry.” I try to downplay the event as much as I can, but it doesn’t seem to work.

Bree gets up from her bed, shoving the computer onto Holden’s lap, and comes over to me. She sits on the side of my bed and puts her hand on my shoulder.

“Are you sure? Aren’t anxiety attacks serious?”

I wave her off and shake my head. “Some can be, yeah. That one wasn’t though. I have medicine for it, it just makes me really tired. I’ll probably just end up going back to sleep.”

She looks as if she wants to argue it further, but thankfully she doesn’t. I glance over at Holden and see he’s looking at me with an unreadable expression. He gives me a sad smile, one so fast I’m hardly even sure it actually happened, and then turns his attention back to the computer screen.

For a minute, I start to wonder if Holden isn’t as bad as I think he is.

“Come on babe. Leave Crybaby Kayleigh alone and come watch this.”

Nope. He’s still an ass.