She seems a bit hesitant, and when I look at her things, I understand why.

“Can you just give me one minute?” I ask.

She nods and I return to Holden.

“Everything ok?” He questions, confused.

“Yeah. Everything’s fine, but um, well I just looked at all her stuff and everything she has is being paid for with WIC. So, it’s basically already paid for. I was thinking that we have her purchase that stuff with WIC and then we pay for other groceries she may need.”

Holden smiles brightly and nods, standing up and walking back over to the woman with me. We explain to her what we want to do and she immediately starts to cry, hugging us and thanking us both.

The next half hour is spent with us walking around with this woman and her two young boys. We learn that they are three years old. She got pregnant with them her senior year of high school. The father didn’t want to be involved, so she gave up her plans of going to college and decided to raise her twin boys on her own. It’s inspiring to see what she has done for them.

Holden and I play with the boys as she loads the groceries into the car. Holden even helps buckle the one little boy in. She thanks us one more time and asks for our names as well as what University we attend. We tell her and then wave goodbye to the little boys.

I can’t help but look at Holden differently after today. The way paying for these people made him so happy, and how he interacted with each little kid. It’s really made me realize that I don’t know him well at all. He really isn’t that bad of guy.

THREE DAYS LATER, I’M writing in my food journal when suddenly, I feel like I’m going to be sick. I run into the bathroom and empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

“Kayleigh?” I hear Holden say from outside the door. What is he doing here?

“What do you want Holden?” I ask, not masking the annoyance from my tone.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine, now what is it?” Can’t he just tell me what he wants and leave me alone?

I hear him gag a little when I continue to throw up. “I need the notes from the other day.”

“They’re in my notebook. Just take it.” I answer.

It isn’t until a couple minutes later that I realize I left my food journal out. I start to panic as I quickly wipe my face and flush the toilet. I rush to the bathroom door and yank it open.

“Holden.” I say, but it’s too late. He’s standing there, holding my food journal, looking at me with a concerned look on his face.


Chapter Four

My feet are planted in the doorway of the bathroom, my hand still on the knob. I don’t know whether to stay calm or panic. Judging by the look on Holden’s face, he’s read enough in my journal to know what it is.

“Holden.” I say carefully. “Give that to me, please.”

I take a step towards him, and he immediately takes a step back, holding the journal out of reach.

“What is this, Kayleigh?”

“None of your business. Give it back.” I jump towards him, trying to grab the book out of his hands, but he dodges just in time.

“Not until you explain!” He’s angry, and maybe even worried.

I take a deep breath and sit down on my bed, rubbing my forehead to try to get a grip on all of this.

“What do you think it is?” I ask carefully.

He looks down at the book and then back at me. “I don’t know what to think. That’s why I’m asking you.”

I guess there really isn’t anything I can do to get out of this. I gesture to Bree’s bed, and he sits, keeping the journal in his hands.