I give her a quick hug goodbye before leaving. As soon as I get out of the building, I start to jog. I experiment with my pace, going faster and then slower. At one point, I try to test how fast I can go. It amazes me how long it takes for me to get tired.

I’m jogging along the creek when I come across the spot where Holden and I lied on the ground for hours, naming stars and getting to know each other. The memory gives me butterflies, and I bask in them.

“Kayleigh?” Dawson asks from behind me. “What are you doing here?”

My eyes widen as I turn to him. “I was going for a run and decided to take a break.”

He steps closer and into the light. Looking at me intently, he sighs. “You’ve got something on your nose.”

I turn around, wiping away what I can only guess is cocaine residue. “Jade was doing my make-up earlier. She must have missed blending some.” I lie, holding my breath as I wait for him to respond.

He smiles sadly. “Come on, let me bring you home.” Nodding, I follow him back to his car and get into the passenger seat. “Holden’s or yours?”


FINALS ARE STRESSFUL AND exhausting, but thankfully end in five minutes. Since Dawson found me three nights ago, he hasn’t brought up what he saw. I’ve taken the route of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ - so if he doesn’t mention it, I won’t either. I’m just hoping he believed my excuse.

I finish answering the rest of the questions on my fourth, and last, final exam. When I’m done, I bring it to my professor and exit the classroom.

“All done?” Holden questions.

I startle, not expecting him to be standing there. “What are you doing here?”

Fuck. I was hoping to go to Jade’s after class. I’m way too sober.

“Just thought I’d surprise you.” He bends down and kisses me softly.

I hum into it. “I’m glad you did.”

The two of us go out to lunch, enjoying the time we have left together. I pick off a plate of fries. It’s high enough in calories that Holden thinks I’m in recovery, but I can manage to only eat a little without alarming him.

I can’t imagine what life is going to be like not getting to see him every day. We’ve been dating a little over five months now, and he’s become the most important person in my life, by a long shot.

“I have a surprise for you.” He says when we’re done with our food.


He nods. “I’m coming home with you before I go back to Jersey.”

My face and my mood both light up. “Seriously?!”

Holden chuckles. “Seriously. I cancelled your flight. You drive back with me tomorrow.”

Smiling, I lean over the table and kiss him. “When are you going home?”

He shrugs. “Haven’t decided yet.”

As much as I’ve been dreading going home, this makes it so much easier. I know we’d talked about visiting each other, but we didn’t have any actual plans. Now, with him coming home with me, I feel like it’s the perfect start to summer.

SAYING GOODBYE TO DAWSON, Bree, and Jade was difficult. Bree and I already decided on which day we’ll come back to school, knowing we’ll be rooming together again. Dawson promised he’ll keep in touch through text, and Jade said she wants to come visit me at some point. Though, being as she’s from California, I don’t have much confidence in that happening.

The drive from Maine to Rhode Island is long, but having Holden by my side, I don’t mind it. The two of us play stupid road trip games, almost constantly holding each other’s hand - just making the most of the time we have left together. The thought of being without him lingers in the back of my mind, but I do my best to ignore it.

After six hours, we’re finally close. The only thing I can think of is getting my boyfriend into my bed. Between finals, packing, and saying goodbye to everyone, it’s been too long since we’ve spent hours on end wrapped up in each other.

“Do you know how much I love you?” He asks.

“Almost as much as I love you.” I answer.