“Jess.” My step-father warns. “Leave the poor boy alone.”
“Honey, it’s a private event.”
“And he’s Kayleigh’s friend. This is her house too, and if she wants him here, then he’s more than welcome to be here.”
My mother looks back at the two of us before reluctantly nodding and walking away. I quietly thank my step father, smiling as he winks at me.
“I’m John.” He puts his hand out.
“Holden. It’s nice to meet you, sir.” He replies, shaking it eagerly.
“You as well. I trust you’re taking good care of my daughter up in Maine?”
“Absolutely. I wouldn’t dream of anything less.”
My heart flutters at their encounter. For a jock, he really knows how to be a gentleman when he wants to impress someone. As soon as my step-dad walks away, I gesture for Holden to follow me – leading him upstairs. As soon as the two of us are in my bedroom, I shut and lock the door.
“Well, your mother is… pleasant.”
I snort. “Yeah, she’s a real prize.”
I lay on my bed, pulling him down with me and cuddling into his chest – breathing in the smell of him like I need it to live. He runs his fingers loosely through my hair.
“Your dad didn’t seem too bad though.” He says carefully.
“Step-dad.” I correct him. “My dad ran out on my mom and I when I was three - but yeah, John’s okay.”
I think he can tell this isn’t a topic I like to talk about, because he places a kiss on my head before changing the subject. The two of us lie in my bed, talking about everything we’ve missed out on by being apart. He tells me how he met Jo’s boyfriend, and that he and Brandon intimidated the shit out of him. It doesn’t surprise me. Josephine is only a year younger, but she’s still their little sister.
When I notice it’s 11:58, I turn on the TV and switch the channel to the New Year’s celebrations in Times Square. I sit on the edge of my bed, causing Holden to scoot down behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. Once they start counting down from ten, he gets my attention.
“Kayleigh?” The nervousness is evident in his voice.
I turn my head slightly to hear him better. “Yeah?”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
Chapter Twenty Three
I wake in the morning, almost thinking I dreamt Holden’s arrival the night before. When I roll over and see him asleep in my bed, I smile. Reaching over, I grab my phone to check the time, finding a text from my mother.
Life Giver: When you and your friend wake up, John would like us to all have breakfast together.
The idea of having breakfast with her is a nightmare, but after John defended us last night, it’s the least I could do. I place my phone back down on my nightstand and cuddle into Holden, causing him to stir.
“Good morning, gorgeous.” He says, voice laced with sleep.
I press my lips against his. He kisses me back, humming contently.
“I missed you so much.” He whispers.
“I missed you too.” I reply. “As much as I would like to stay in bed all day, we have to get up.”
I stand, wearing only my underwear, and walk over to my closet to find something to wear. He props himself up one arm, letting his eyes gaze over my body.
“You’re so beautiful.” He remarks with such sincerity in his tone. I can’t help the blush that covers my cheeks.