“I’m not interested.”

She clearly doesn’t like that answer because she crosses her arms and gives him a dirty look. “Why the hell not? Am I not pretty enough for you?”

I stay back, incredibly curious to hear his answer. “I’m with someone.”

“Who? Kayleigh Jacobs? Everyone knows you two aren’t serious. Besides, you can do better.”

I’m about to step in and say something, when Holden slams his hand down on the countertop. “Kayleigh is ten times the woman you’ll ever be. She’s my best friend and every single girl at this school pales in comparison to her. So, if you’re going to talk shit about her, you can just get the fuck out right now.”

Everyone around them has gone silent, watching the confrontation unfold. She opens and closes her mouth, as if she’s trying to think of what to say. Finally, her eyes land on me. I raise my eyebrows, causing her to roll her eyes and leave the room.

“Damn, dude.” Jason quips. “Look at you, being all protective.”

“Fucking bitch.” Holden murmurs, picking his cup back up and chugging his beer.

I walk over and place my hands on his chest. He jumps slightly but calms when he realizes it’s me. I slide my hands up until they’re on the back of his neck. Once I have a good grip, I pull him down and kiss him passionately – putting all my feelings into the way my lips move against his.

A few of the guys hoot and praise Holden, causing the two of us to laugh. I open my eyes to see Holden with his fist in the air. I roll my eyes playfully and lightly smack his stomach.

God, I’m going to miss him.

HOLDEN AND I STAND in the middle of the busy airport. His arms are wrapped around me while I burrow my face into his hoodie. He kisses the top of my head – once, twice, three times.

“You’re going to miss your flight.” He murmurs.

“That’s fine.”

He chuckles, placing his hands on my arms and taking a step back. “Hey.” He bends down to make me look at him. “It’s only ten days, yeah? It’ll be over before we know it.”

I nod sadly, only feeling the slightest bit happy when he caves and hugs me again.

A few minutes and a countless number of kisses later, the two of us split – each going to our terminals. Holden’s flight is only twenty minutes after mine, but his is headed to New Jersey while mine is going to Rhode Island.

I make it to the plane just in time for boarding. After showing my ticket to the attendant, I walk down the jet way. I can’t help but feel an intense feeling of sadness. Not only do I have to be away from Holden, but I must spend ten days with my mother and her husband. Honestly, Vietnam sounds like a better time.

As soon as I find my seat, I text Holden - letting him know I made it onto the plane. His reply comes instantly.

Holden: Good. I miss you already.

I read the text over and over, loving the way it makes me feel. If someone had told me three months ago that Holden Rivers would have this effect on me, I probably would have punched them in the face. I chuckle softly at the thought of hating him. Now, I’m falling in love with him.

TO SAY CHRISTMAS SUCKED would be a massive understatement. The only thing my mother can talk about is her New Year’s Party. She’s a glorified house wife, so this party and its elite level guest list, are all she cares about.

“Can’t I just go back to school early?” I groan through the phone to Holden.

He laughs. “And spend New Year’s Eve on a plane? No. Absolutely not.”

I pout, even though he can’t see me. “You suck.”

“You lie.”

I roll over on my bed, staring up at the ceiling as I listen to him breathe into the phone. The growing silence only reminds me of how far apart we are.

“I miss you.” I say sadly.

He sighs. “I miss you too. Only four more days. We’re almost there.”

“Kayleigh! Let’s go! We’re leaving!” My mother yells from the bottom of the stairs. I roll my eyes, flipping her off through the door.