Chapter Three

"You know, you really do have the prettiest hair.” Brianna tells me as she takes my long brown locks and twists them into French braid pigtails.

I roll my eyes and mutter a very light, yet very sarcastic, thank you. Holden sits on Brianna’s bed and messes around on his phone. I can tell he’s getting annoyed with how long this is taking, however, when have I ever cared about his feelings?

“Okay, one done. One to go. Face this way.”

I adjust myself and turn my head in the direction she wants. She takes the other half of my hair in her hands and starts to tug.

“Ow!” I shriek, after one particularly hard pull.

She lets go immediately. “Oh my gosh, did I hurt you? I’m so sorry.”

“Do it again! Do it again!” Holden bounces with excitement.

“Shut up, Holden!” Brianna and I both shout in unison.

The two of us laugh while Holden pretends to pout. Brianna finishes up my hair, then hands me a mirror to show me the finished product. For the first time in a while, I love the way I look.

“Thanks Bree, it looks awesome.” I tell her.

“Don’t mention it.” She replies with a smile. “Let me just get changed and we can get going.”

Holden gets up and walks over to my desk. He unzips the camera bag and starts taking out the contents.

“I have the notebook and a pen. Do you have everything we need for the video camera?” I need to make sure, because I don’t trust him not to fuck up.

“Yup.” He says, popping the p. “Just double checking.”

I glance over at the contents of the bag. The camera is surprisingly high quality. I start to wonder what else he could have used that for.

“Are both batteries charged?” I ask.

“Yes, Kayleigh.” He responds, annoyed. “I think I know better than to bring dead batteries.”

I sigh loudly at his tone. “Holden, please don’t be rude. Not today. Let’s just get through this project without fighting with each other.”

He looks up at me and we make eye contact. His eyes seem to soften as he smiles just slightly.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He almost whispers.

Before I can even take in the honesty in his response, Brianna comes walking out of the bathroom, running her fingers through her perfect blonde hair. At the sound of her, Holden breaks eye contact with me and coughs, ending the moment instantly.

“Ready to go?” Bree asks the two of us.

I get up from my bed and go to grab a sweatshirt when Bree stops me. “Kay, I’ve got a jacket that w

ould just look amazing on you.”

She goes to her closet, pulls out a white jean jacket, and hands it to me. I’m hesitant at first, knowing it’ll be too small, but instead decide to try it on. To my surprise, it fits. It’s probably a little tighter on me than it is on her, but none the less, I’m able to get it on.

“See? Looks great!” She compliments. “Let’s go.”

Holden grabs the video camera while I grab the notebook, and we head out the door. The three of us climb into Holden’s yellow Chevy Camaro - me taking the back seat. Holden starts the car and pulls out onto the road. Brianna goes to grab his phone, but Holden rips it from her hand.

“What did I tell you about touching my phone Brianna? Jesus.” He scoffs.

“I was just changing the song.” She tells him.