Now it’s up to Holden and Caleb. Caleb goes first. The ball hits the rim of the cup but bounces off it. Shit. Holden takes the ball between his finger and his thumb, focusing a little longer on his aim. He releases the ball, sending it over the table and directly into the cup. Jason laughs as Caleb drops his head.

“Go get your girl, Holden.” Jason says.

I look at Caleb, wondering if I actually have to go through with it, when Holden speaks.

“Nah. If she wants me, she knows where to find me.” I turn to look at him and he smiles shyly.

Did he just do something nice, or is this another way of him being an asshole? I’m not sure.

THE PARTY STARTS TO die down, some people leaving and some going to sleep. Caleb’s still drinking, which tells me I’m stuck here unless I can find a ride home.

“I’ll be right back.” I tell him and walk upstairs in search of Holden. When I find him, he’s sitting on his bed, looking at his phone. I knock lightly on the open door and he looks up.

“Hey.” I greet him, trying to ignore the way it feels good to be near him.

He clicks his phone off and puts it down. “Hey.” Something is off with him.

“Everything okay?”

He shrugs. “How was your date?”

“It was nice.” I say simply.

He purses his lips and nods slightly. “Are you two a thing now?”

“I don’t know.” What’s up with him? “Why?” He shakes his head like he’s trying to avoid talking about it and looks away. “Holden, talk to me.” I walk over and sit on his bed, making him look at me.

He sighs. “I don’t want you to be with him.”

My eyebrows furrow. “Why not?”

“Never mind. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No. You can’t just say something like that and not tell me why.”

“Drop it, Kayleigh.” He picks his phone back up but I take it from him. “Give me that back.”

“Not until you tell me why I shouldn’t be with Caleb.”

“Fucking hell, you don’t know how to let something go do you?” He sounds annoyed but I don’t back down.


He reaches for his phone but I move it just out of reach. “Give me it.”

“No!” I laugh.

He reaches for it again, this time further. As I try to keep it away, the two of us fall to the floor. He lands on top of me, our faces no more than two inches apart. I freeze, looking down at his lips and back up to his eyes. He slowly bends down and kisses me, placing his hand lightly on my face. My breath hitches. This is different than all the other times he’s kissed me. It’s not rushed or with any intentions. It’s just sweet. He pulls away, looks at me, and sighs.

“I don’t want you to be with Caleb because I want you to be with me.”

Chapter Nine

“I don’t know what to do.” I say to Holden. “I hate what we’re doing to Bree. She doesn’t deserve this.”

The two of us have been sitting on his bed for an hour now, trying to figure out what this is. I’m leaning back into him and his arms are wrapped around me, holding me close. I don’t know what’s worse - that I’m in this position with my friend’s boyfriend, or that I never want to move.

“Do you want to stop?” He asks.