He makes a face of uncertainty. “You mean Taylor?” I nod. “We broke up.”

I mock a frown. “Too bad, so sad.”

Between the effects of the alcohol and the confidence the song gives me, I find myself being more daring than usual. I spin around, dancing against him as his hands rest on my hips. I reach my right hand up and place it on the back of his neck. When I turn my head towards his, our lips meet. It’s nothing too scandalous – just soft and slow, almost as if we’re testing the waters. His tongue pushes past my lips and into my mouth. I find myself wishing it was Holden instead of Caleb, but my eyes are closed and I can pretend. The sound of someone calling my name causes me to pull away.

Bree’s standing in front of me, looking angry. I can’t understand why until I notice Taylor standing next to her, her eyes quickly filling with tears.

“Caleb.” Bree says coldly.

He looks at Taylor and visibly softens. “I thought you weren’t coming.”

She shrugs and looks down, clearly unaware of what to say. He whispers an apology in my ear and walks away, lightly pulling her with him. Bree doesn’t relax. Instead she continues to give me a dirty look.

“What’s wrong grumpy gills?” I mimic Dory from Finding Nemo.

She isn’t amused. “Come on.” She wraps her fingers around my wrist and pulls me to the stairs. I follow her up them until we enter a familiar room. Holden is sitting on his bed, looking at us curiously.

“Bree, I love you and all, but I’m not interested in a threesome.” I sass.

Holden laughs while Bree rolls her eyes. She ignores me and turns to her boyfriend. “Taylor and I just found her making out with Caleb. I don’t have the time to carry her drunk ass home. I need to make sure Taylor’s okay. Can she crash here?”

I busy myself with looking around at all the pictures on his wall. “Look! There’s me!” I yell excitedly. It’s a picture of Holden and I with the twin boys from the grocery store.

He chuckles softly. “Yeah, she’s definitely too drunk to walk back to the dorms. Go take care of Taylor. I’ve got her.”

Bree thanks him and kisses him quickly. “Don’t let her leave!” She demands as she walks out the door, closing it behind her.

I look around some more until Holden’s voice catches my attention.

“What did you drink?”

I shrug. “A few shots, a couple beers. I’m not exactly sure.”

“Lightweight.” He quips.

“Shut up.” I snap back. “I’m still mad at you.”

He fake gasps. “At moi?” I nod. “Why?”

“Because you threatened to tell people about my eating disorder.” I cross my arms as if it will make me stronger.

He raises his eyebrows in realization. “Ah. Ok. Fair enough. I’m sorry.” I ignore him, not wanting to talk about it.

“Who are all these people?” I ask, still focused on the wall of pictures.

“Friends. Some from here, some from home.” He says it as if it’s no big deal, but almost every picture is of someone different.

I hum. “A lot of people love you.”

He snorts. “There you go with that word again.”

I turn toward him, no longer interested in the pictures. “What? You don’t believe they love you?”

“I’m not getting into this with you, especially not while you’re drunk.”

“Whatever.” I scoff. I go back to looking around, distracting myself from the room spinning.

“So, Caleb huh?” He says, sounding smug.