I could tell by the way she was that night, that I don’t have her nearly as convinced about us as I had thought. The panic of potentially losing Parker was all over her face, making it impossible to ignore. If I want her to take us seriously, I need to step my game up. Otherwise, I’ll lose her to him and there will be no one to blame but myself. Story of my life.

With Ivy being my own personal little spy, she lets me know that Parker is going to be in Boston late tonight. Something about an exam tomorrow morning that he needs to be fully prepared for. I use the opportunity to my advantage and have her deliver the dress I picked out to McKenna with a note on top that reads “You deserve to be treated like the princess you are. Be ready by five.”

It’s time I show her how hard I’m willing to fight.

I PULL UP TO McKenna’s house. It’s ironic, really, because I remember designing the place. The client who hired me was an older couple who wanted a spacious and open floor plan. I knew when I was sketching it out, that it was the kind of place Mac would love. Even being away for four years, she never really left my mind. She was there in just about everything I did. And being best friends with her brother was like having my biggest mistake flaunted in front of my face every day.

Like a proper gentleman, I grab the bouquet of flowers from the passenger seat and walk up the steps. As soon as I ring the bell, she opens the door and the breath is sucked right out of my lungs. The dress she’s wearing is one Ivy helped me choose. It’s a black, satin material that goes down to just above her knees. She left her hair natural, which is my absolute favorite. The silky smooth lengths flow down her back and curl at the ends. I take in every inch of her, realizing I’m one lucky son of a bitch.

“You look stunning.”

She smiles at my words and then takes the flower from my hands, thanking me softly. I follow her through the house and into the kitchen. It’s weird being here, knowing this is the space she shares with Parker. What I wouldn’t give to spend every possible moment with her. Does he even know how good he has it? Well, obviously not. If he did, he would’ve chosen to spend the summer with her rather than get an early start on med school. That still blows my mind. How could he stand being anywh

ere that isn’t right by her side?

McKenna fills a vase with water and puts the flowers inside before placing it in the middle of the kitchen island. I’m a little surprised by her willingness to showcase them. To be honest, I assumed they would be hidden away in the guest room or somewhere else Parker wouldn’t look. Hell, a part of me even wondered if she would give them to Ivy, but she doesn’t. She puts them somewhere she will see them every day until they wither. Is it unreasonable to be jealous of an inanimate object?

“So, where are we going?” She questions, as if I’ll actually tell her.

“Now Princess, don’t you know better than to ask that?”

“Maybe, but it was worth a shot.”

The innocence on her face makes me chuckle as we leave the house. I hold the car door open for her and she slips inside. Seriously, I’ve never regretted a choice so much as I do picking that dress. It’ll be a miracle if I can make it through dinner without needing to pull her into the nearest bathroom. I can already feel myself hardening in my pants.

I get in the car and start driving towards the restaurant, a low key place outside of town where she doesn’t have to worry about us being seen. It overlooks the water and has all of her favorite foods on the menu – I checked. It may be one of those places that doesn’t list the prices on the menu because they’re so high, but she’s more than worth it. I’d pay all the money in the world if it meant having her by my side.

“So, how has your week been?”

She reaches over and grabs my hand, obviously grateful for such a simple inquisition. “It’s been great. I’m working on the lesson plans for the upcoming school year. It’s so exciting.”

The way she lights up as she talks about teaching is mesmerizing. I swear, I could sit and listen to her all day. There isn’t a single doubt in my mind that she will make an incredible teacher. Her students will love her from the second they walk in the door.

“I’m happy for you, Mac. You’re getting everything you’ve ever wanted.”

She smiles and I don’t miss the way her hand tightens slightly. “Just about.”

A part of me wonders if she’s finally starting to make her mind up, and I’m practically bursting at the seems to ask her what she means by that. However, I don’t want to do anything that could potentially ruin tonight, so I decide against it.

We spend the rest of the drive talking about the office building I’ve been overseeing the renovations on. It’s a small tech company that’s trying to expand and they need to appear more economically friendly. With the way the world is lately, you need to do everything in a certain way so no one strikes against you.

Of course, during the conversation about my work, she once again brings up the house I’m having built. I can tell how eager she is to see it, but it’s just not the right time yet. I know I’ll be showing it to her one day, no matter how things go between us. I just don’t want anything influencing her decision. If I’m the one she picks, I need to know that it was a fair fight.

The restaurant is everything I pictured and more. I tell the hostess I have a reservation for Brooks. She grabs two menus and leads us back to a table that has the most amazing view of the ocean. A lit candle sits on the table between us, making it all that much more romantic.

“How did you find this place?” McKenna asks as she looks around in awe.

“A client of mine recommended it. She’s a certified matchmaker.”

Her eyebrows raise. “That’s a thing?”


“Huh. I’m surprised she didn’t try to hook you up with someone.”

I chuckle. “Oh, she did, but I told her I already have my sights firmly set on someone and there’s no changing my mind.”

The corners of her mouth raise and she blushes as she looks down at the table. Watching her get flustered like that has always been one of the most endearing things I’ve ever seen. She opens the menu to look at the choices, then narrows her eyes at it.