“Well damn, who knew Parker had it in him to knock her up before the wedding.” Roman quips, causing Maverick to punch him in the arm. “Ow, bro.”

“Bro, that’s my baby sister.”

The small spat between them made me look away from McKenna, and when I look back, she’s gone. Maverick and Roman are going back and forth about how Mac is only three years younger than us and engaged. Obviously, Maverick doesn’t care to hear it. McKenna could be eight or eighty-two – she’ll always be a little girl in his eyes.

I stand in complete agony for a few minutes, knowing I can’t walk away from Maverick right now without looking suspicious. Finally, I see Tatum come out from the house and walk towards me. The expression on her face tells me this isn’t a drill, and Mac being pregnant is a serious possibility.

“What the hell is going on?” She whispers, careful not to let Maverick hear us.

I shake my head. “I don’t know, but keep him distracted while I go find out, please.”

She nods and I waste no time before heading inside. As soon as I step into the kitchen, McKenna and Ivy look up at me from the other side of the island. Ivy has a hand on McKenna’s back, rubbing it soothingly as Mac looks like she’s about to have a mental break down.

“How much have you had to drink?” I ask Ivy, making sure to keep my expression neutral for McKenna’s sake.

“Just what I drank during beer pong, but that was a couple of hours ago.”

Grabbing my keys and wallet off the counter, I walk over and hand them to her. “Good. Go to the store and get a test. Come straight back here and don’t let Maverick see you when you do.”

She nods and after McKenna silently tells her it’s okay to go, she heads out the front door.

My head is reeling as I grip the edge of the island for support. Being as she’s on birth control, I know this isn’t something that either of us planned. Sure, we could’ve been more careful but I didn’t think we needed to be. Apparently, I was wrong. So very fucking wrong.

It’s not that I’m mad at the possibility that McKenna could be pregnant. Hell, the thought of my baby growing inside of her makes me feel even more possessive than I already do. It’s the idea that it might not be my baby that has me on the brink of insanity. I just got her back. Being pregnant with Parker’s kid would send her running right into his arms and I wouldn’t stand a chance.

“I’m sorry.” A very faint whisper comes from next to me.

I look over to find tears streaming down McKenna’s face. Every feeling I have about the current situation dissipates and the only thing I can focus on is her. I walk around the counter and pull her into my arms. All the emotions she was trying to hold back come pouring out at once.

“It’s okay.” I murmur into her hair, placing a kiss on her head.

“It’s not.” She sobs. “What are we going to do?”

“Well, have you taken a test yet?” She shakes her head. “Then we wait for Ivy to get back and we go from there.”

“You’re not mad?”

I back up just s

lightly and look down at her. “Mad? Why would I be mad?”

“Because we just got started and we’re still trying to figure this out. Being pregnant would throw a major wrench in things.”

“I know, but it’s not like you planned this. Accidents happen.”

She snorts. “Pretty big accident.”

“Hey, an accident is what brought me to you.”

I’m sitting on my couch, watching cartoons on TV while I drown out the sound of my baby sister, Avery, crying. She’s only one and when she’s sick, she screams – a lot. My parents are frustrated and as much I want to help, there isn’t really anything I can do. I’m only ten.

A loud bang sounds from upstairs and is very quickly followed by an ear-piercing scream. My mom starts to panic and I can hear my dad rushing into the room to find out what happened.

“Sh-She fell.” My mother cries. “I dozed off for a second and she fell off the changing table. I think she hit her head.”

“Oh god. Okay, we need to take her to the emergency room.”

I can hear them coming down the stairs and I stand up to see what all the commotion is about. My dad gives me a sad smile, trying to assure me everything is okay, but I can see the worry in his eyes. When my mom sees me, she cringes.