“Colton, hey.” My voice comes out squeakier than I intended.
Crossing the room with ease, he pulls me up and into a hug. As if it’s a natural reflex, I breathe in the smell of him. He’s essentially the same guy I fell in love with so many years ago. His chest feels exactly like it used to as my head rests against it.
He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. No matter how many times I repeat those words in my head, my heart is doing summersaults while his hand rubs my back. Being in his arms always was my favorite place.
“When did you get back?”
I remove myself from his hold and run my fingers through my hair. “Yesterday.”
“Oh wow. It’s really great to see you.” His attention turns to my fiancé. “I’m sorry, she’s rude.” He quips and puts out his hand. “Colton Brooks.”
“Parker Hall.” They shake in a way that looks like a contest of ‘who’s manlier’ but I can’t determine the winner. “McKenna’s fiancé.”
Tatum trying to conceal a laugh pulls my attention from the pissing war taking place in front of me. Colton shoots her a glare then looks back at me.
“Oh, right. You got engaged. Congratulations.”
“Thank you.” I smile shyly.
I can see the confusion of who he is in Parker’s eyes, so I clarify. “Colton has been Maverick’s best friend since they were ten.”
“Ah, ok. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, you too.” He mumbles but it doesn’t sound sincere.
Colton’s expression appears completely neutral, but I know him better than that. There’s something brooding in those topaz eyes of his. Maverick would probably be able to see it too if he was paying any attention. Thankfully, he’s messing around with his phone, oblivious to the way his best friend is plotting a murder in his head. What the hell is his deal?
In perfect timing, a ringing in my ex’s pocket breaks through the silence. He pulls out the device and glances at it to see who’s calling.
“I’m sorry. I have to take this.” Walking backwards toward the hallway, his eyes look me up and down once more. “It was great seeing you.”
He’s gone just as fast as he came, and like usual, I’m left a flustered mess by the brief encounter. Tatum’s gaze is on me in a wordless question of asking if I’m okay. I plaster the best fake smile I can manage on my face and focus back on Maverick.
“I see you two are still close.”
His phone falls onto his lap and a small crease appears in his forehead. “Who, me and Colton?” I nod. “Yeah, of course.”
“Does he always show up unannounced?” I need to figure out if being at my brother’s house is a safe place, or somewhere I need to avoid.
A small chuckle bubbles out. “Well, being as he lives here…”
“He’s what?!” I screech. My brother’s face is enough to tell me I need to get my emotions in check. “Sorry, that just surprises me. Why is he living with you?”
“He wanted to get out of the city, and his house is being built. He didn’t want to buy a place just to sell it a year later.”
I didn’t know he lived in the city in the first place, but then again, I’ve been avoiding knowing about him at all. It would make sense given his career. Since graduating college, he’s thrived at his job - becoming very well recognized and in high demand. The only reason I found that out was because my mom boasted for weeks about a magazine article he was in about people to look out for in the business world.
“I’m guessing he designed it himself?” I glance over at Parker. “Colton’s an architect.”
“An architect god.” Maverick corrects me. “He helped Tatum and I design this place.”
Looking around, I should’ve known. He’s always had a knack for beautiful creations. His taste mixed with his ability to be creative yet realistic, he was meant for the job he’s in. His specialty is houses but he’s also been hired by large companies to draw up renovations to make their buildings more modernized and appealing.
“The place he’s having built is probably incredible.” I breathe, once again taking in all the intricate details of Maverick’s home.
Tatum snorts. “We wouldn’t know. He won’t let anyone see it.”
“Seriously?” That’s unlike him. Colton has always been one to get other people’s opinions and bounce ideas off them. It’s one of the things that makes him so talented.