“Thank you. My studies were always very important to me.”

“As they should be. Do you plan on working toward your Master’s Degree?”

A part of me wonders if that’s a trick question. If I say no, I look like I’m not someone who’s content with only a Bachelor’s, but if I say yes, he might question if I’ll be able to juggle both a full time teaching job and schooling.

“Right now, I’m primarily focused on starting my career, but it’s not something I’m opposed to doing in the future.”

He looks pleased with my answer as he grins broadly. “And what are your plans for upcoming years? Do you intend on staying in Rockport?”

“Yes, sir. My fiancé and I just recently purchased a house over on Seagull Street.”

“That’s a great area.”

“It is.” I confirm.

“Well.” He claps his hands together and leans back in his chair. “You seem like a great fit and I have a feeling you’ll do very well with the kindergarteners we have coming in this fall. So, if you’re interested, I’d like to offer you the teaching position.”

My head nods vigorously as my smile widens. “I graciously accept. Thank you so much for the opportunity.”


p; He grins in return. “I’m looking forward to having you join us. How about we go see your new classroom, shall we?”


I toss my phone onto the island as I enter the kitchen. McKenna is probably halfway through her interview right now, but I wouldn’t know because she hasn’t been speaking to me since her outburst this morning. I knew it was risky to send her those flowers, but I genuinely believed Parker would be at class. Grabbing a beer from the fridge, I pop off the cap and flick it across the room, into the garbage.

“You know, your accuracy with that should be alarming.” Tatum says from where she’s seated at the table in the corner.

I chuckle. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

“How could you when you’re on a war path?” She eyes the beer in my hand. “It’s two o’clock on a Thursday and you’re already drinking?”

“It’s been one hell of a morning.”

She shuts her computer and gets up, motioning for me to follow her into the living room. I leave my phone on the counter and exit the room. I fall back onto the couch as I hold my beer steady to prevent it from spilling. Tatum rolls her eyes and joins me on the other side.

“So, what’s got you all out of sorts?”

“It’s complicated.”

She smiles. “Oh, so it’s a McKenna thing.” My eyes widen as I quickly look around for Maverick but she giggles and shakes her head. “Don’t worry. He’s not here. He took my car to get an oil change.”

Realizing we’re alone makes me feel a lot better. The last thing any of us needs, is for Mav to hear me talking about hooking up with his sister – especially being as I currently live in his house. I sit up and place my elbows on my knees, leaning forward.

“I sent her flowers this morning, wishing her luck for her interview.”

“That was sweet of you.”

I snort. “See, that’s what I thought, but she flipped out. She said that I was trying to sabotage things with Parker by signing my name on the card.”

“Oh shit! Did he see it?!”

“No.” Something I’m rather annoyed by. At least if he had seen it, she would have a reason to be mad, but instead she’s pissed at me over a hypothetical situation that never happened.

I never expected when I woke up this morning, that McKenna and I would be fighting. Over the past couple days, we’ve been spending so much time together that I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. She’s been meeting me on my lunch breaks and we’ve even figured out how to get together after. As long as she’s not home too late, Parker hasn’t thought much about it. I guess I have Ivy to thank for it all. She’s been the cover for Mac and me. If anyone asks her where she is, she tells them she’s with Ivy. It’s not hard to believe, being as the two of them used to be inseparable.

A throw pillow flies across the couch and hits me square in the face, pulling me from my thoughts. I glare over at Tatum but she only smirks.