“You taught me how.”

I’M SITTING AT THE table across from my date while we both pick at the appetizer - coconut shrimp with a sweet Thai chili sauce. Her mouth is moving, signifying she’s talking, but I’m not paying any attention. She’s a nice girl and if I weren’t all hung up on someone else, I may even be interested, but I can’t get how broken McKenna looked out of my head.

“So, Colt, tell me about you.” Layla picks up her drink and plays with her straw in a way that I’m guessing is supposed to look seductive.

“Not much to know.”

“Oh, come on. Give me something. Roman said you’re an architect?” I nod half heartedly. “So, what? You build houses?”

“I design houses.” I correct. “Amongst other things.”

“So, you’re not a construction worker?”


I can tell what she’s doing. She’s trying to use conversation to gauge my income. If this girl saw the amount in my bank account, she’d become even more obnoxious than she already is. I’d be lying if I said she was the first gold digger I’ve met. After being published in a magazine, women would approach me on the street to make small talk and pretend they love my work. The dollar signs in their eyes weren’t fooling anyone.

Layla excuses herself to the bathroom and I pull out my phone. Unable to help myself, I go straight to McKenna’s facebook. She had unblocked me when we agreed to being friends, and thankfully, hasn’t shut me out of it again since. To be honest, she probably forgot about it. I don’t do anything on the site very often, so the chances of me coming up on her news feed are slim.

I scroll down her page and notice her most recent post was only a half hour ago.

Take me back to that summer, when we hid from everyone in our own precious space. Wrapped in a little world where all that mattered was you and I – take me back there.

I read it over; once, twice, three times. Each word sticks out like it’s ready to jump off the page at me. Our own precious space. I look out at the water and remember the secret place shared. It was somewhere I’d found for when I needed some time to think. I kept it to myself for the longest time, until I didn’t. I brought McKenna there for the first time on the Fourth of July. It’s hidden away enough but provided an amazing view of the ocean. We spent that night with her wrapped in my arms, watching the fireworks – it was pure bliss.

The likelihood of it being a coincidence are high. It could be song lyrics or a poem she saw that she liked, but the small possibility that it’s a message meant for me has me standing up and pulling out my wallet. Layla returns to the table just as I’m tossing down a couple $20 bills.

“What’s going on?”

I put on my best fake smile. “I’m sorry, something came up so I need to go.”

“Oh, okay. Well, call me and we’ll plan for another night.”

“Will do.”

I head out of the restaurant, not caring at all that I don’t even have her number. I’m sure she’ll realize it and try to get my contact info from Roman. I make a mental note to tell him not to give it to her as I climb in my car.

THE WOODS I HAVE to walk through are dark. Usually, I’d be able to navigate this area like the back of my hand, but I haven’t been here since McKenna left for college. I couldn’t bring myself to come back to this place where we spent so many moments. It was too hard.

When I get to the point where everything opens up, I notice I’m not alone. The moon is bright, shining just the right amount of light over the giant rock and providing her with the perfect silhouette. I stand there for a minute, just letting myself admire her beauty and remember all the times we spent here. We were always happiest when we were away from prying eyes – free to just enjoy each other.

“I was hoping I’d find you here.” I say, making myself known.

My voice startles her but she recovers well. “What happened to your date?”

“I left early.”


I walk over to the rock and lean against it, right next to where she’s sitting. “Well, for starters, she kept calling me Colt.”

“Like, a baby horse?” I nod and bask in the giggle that leaves her mouth. “Oh god, that’s horrible. What was the other reason?”

“She wasn’t my type.”

“Oh.” The gears turn in her head until finally she speaks again. “What is your type then?”

I turn my attention away from the water and over to her. “I’m looking at it.”